Your Boring

26 4 58

I'm bored,

You're not fun or funny.

It was cloudless and sunny,

Until you came. . .

You make me bored out of my mind.

I'm stretching all weird because I can't run free,

I have to listen to you talk your tedious talk.

I'm singing and dancing,

When you're not there.

Guess what,

I'm not stopping my party for you.

Now don't you cry.

I'm not mean, just blunt.

Not everyone will like you,

I certainly don't.

You're the opposite of exciting,

You don't bring me joy.

You're a moth I want to go away.

But unfortunately, I'm your flame.

It's a shame,

You had to be lame.

Your boring,

That's why I'm ignoring.

You have me snoring,

When I should be soaring.

In case you didn't know. . .


Now please leave ME alone!

                      Ok, ok, ok. Take a deep breath, I know what you're thinking. Damn, potato you out to get someone! Like what happened to sweet potato? She's still there! Just not when her entertainment is being threatened and endangered. The threat SCHOOL and some kids who don't know how to leave me alone. Like seriously they're fine but like this one guy! Ooh, I just went on a rant but I can't share it XD I think I'm just being extra sassy today lmao But this one class really did have me snoring. Hence for this beautiful creation!

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