Get Back Up. . . !

20 8 12

Stand down.

This is not,

Your fight!

You're clueless,

On the matter.

Do you hear,

What I hear?

Insults and a challenge,

Telling me to back down!

Why should I back down?

Just because,

You said so?

You thought,

I'd sit and cry.

How wrong you were. . .

My voice will be heard,

My opinions do matter!

My age does not matter.

If it did. . .

Why have I done,

More than you?

Everyone's been knocked down,

At one point in their life.

The questions are,

Do you stay down?

Or do you get back up?

Crying and moaning,

Only leaves the haters gloating.

What do your tears get you?

Nothing but lost time. . .

The next time you're knocked down,

What will you do?

Because you will only,

Get what you give.

You don't need to be,

Made of steel!

You just have to get back up again. . .

Hey guys! So this poem is a lot more relatable to me

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Hey guys! So this poem is a lot more relatable to me. I love my close friends, but when something happens it really sets them off. Some friends just give up right away, or make the situation a lot more complicated then it is. I get that when you're having a problem, it's not easy to turn the situation into something positive. 

We all know what that's like, to feel hopeless and think nothing can solve the problem. But staying quiet and crying in a corner won't help you. If you want something in life, you have to grab it! You don't have to make the situation a 100% positive, just refuse to give up, get back up and start again! Don't let what anyone else says, hold any power over you. No matter what you think, you always have someone who cares and would help you. If you think something isn't fair, then make your voice heard. Maybe you're too shy to shout it out, but writing a letter, or sharing your thoughts to someone who is loud, makes the difference. When life gives you lemons make lemonade! Yeah, maybe lemon juice gets in your eyes, but don't let that stop you! 

Love you guys a lot~!

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