To Me

16 6 2

We're near the final poem,

I promise to make it worth your time.

To not give you the best is a terrible crime.

If you made it here,

I hope you learned,

To push through,

At least one fear.

Don't just sit around and,

Hope to disappear.

Stand for what is right!

Make your life a little more bright!

The days it rains,

And you feel a huge pain. . .

I'm here,

To lend you an ear.

You deserve to be happy!

Don't worry about the days,

You get snappy.

We all get them!

Just apologize and move forward.

Don't let mistakes hold YOU back!

At least try to push forward!

And now I leave you,

With these final last lines. 

You are loved. . .  BY ME

You are appreciated. . .  BY ME

You're amazing. . . TO ME

You're beautiful. . . TO ME

Second to last poem! Used to be the last, but I came up with an idea that I thought would be better for the last poem. The last one is a little more fitting with what this is all about. You'll see what I mean ;)

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