Fitting In

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Staying silent, not fitting in. . .

Fitting in means to not be myself!

Why should I do that?

Why do we try so hard to follow what society has set, when it doesn't make us happy? How come we always talk about not doing what society has set, yet it's still a problem and there are still unspoken rules? If you don't feel like you, then how can anyone get to know you? So many questions, but one thing I know for certain. 

Is you should just do what you want, don't make it a whole extravaganza where everyone needs to know. Be natural because being yourself isn't acting a certain way and telling everyone that's how you act, and then a week later stopping.

Anyways, everyone I'll leave off on this note. Do what makes you happy. Be the very best you, you can be. Don't settle for good, aspire for great.

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