
25 9 11

My pain is your pleasure.

Each cry,

Your special treasure. . .

My smile,

Causes you displeasure.

To prevent that,

You take every measure. . .

When I leave this town. . .

I will make a name for myself,

And make sure your name drowns!

You laugh now,

But soon you will bow.

Karma is beautiful,

It's existence,

Makes revenge undutiful.

Why waste my time?

I don't have to,

Because karma will do the work.

What comes around,

Goes around. . .

You better watch your back. . . !

For each smack,

Is kept on track.

Your facade,

Will soon crack. 

Every secret will be revealed,

And everyone will know,

No one will forget.

For I am Karma. . .


Justice will be served.

Whatcha guys think? i had so much fun writing this! Let me know your thoughts in a comment :) Love you all! <3

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