Stay Strong

91 29 42

Every day, 

Something happens.

Someone gets bullied,

Just because

"They're different"



"Have no sense of fashion..."

What does fashion have to do,

With their passion?

You don't even know them,

Yet you continue to condemn.

All those things are of unimportance!

Everyone has a choice,

Don't let what someone says, change it!

You could stand down.

Watch as the victim pleads for help. . .

That's the easy path,

But is it the right one?

Do you want that on your consciousness?

The pain can be so bad,

It takes a life.

Then it's too late,

Regret becomes your best mate. . .

A depressing thought.


It doesn't have to be that way!

YOU can make it change!

Stand tall, speak loud,

Stand up for what is right!

That one action,

Can save a life. . . !

You could make a friend,

A REAL friend.

Spread awareness and

Right the wrong!

Be brave!

For those who suffer,

You're not alone!

All their wrongs will be known!

Their evil acts will be shown!

Even when there's no knight to slay

The evil demons away. . .

Find it within you, to be strong!

If you get no help, save yourself!

You deserve happiness, and it will come!

For karma never forgets you!

Nor your enemies. . .

Once it comes around, it will go around.

Speak out, you will be heard!

The era of bullying will be no longer. . . !

 You're voice will be heard

**Please read to the end**

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**Please read to the end**

Hey guys, so I wrote this poem a while ago... The point of this poem is to tell people they have a voice and they can change something if they try hard enough. America is going through a rough time right now, while this poem is directed towards bullying it can in a way relate to America's current situation. It tells you to not just sit around but do something to make a difference.

Right now we are trying to make a difference for all the people who were wronged. I encourage you to speak out, but please don't use violence. Using violence to solve something wrong, doesn't make what you are doing any better than the wrong thing you are trying to solve. There are many ways to protest and speak out, so let's speak out together! We can all help with the black rights movement. NO ONE should be treated differently! Their opinion is their opinion no one has the right to judge it, for we all think differently. How they look is how they were born, or the look they gave themselves to help with their confidence. As long as they're happy, then the person shouldn't direct hate at them for being happy. But love for themselves and help their confidence grow. We shouldn't waste our emotions on hate when we can be spreading love. With that being said, I hope you guys are all doing well! <3<3<3

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