Lazy and Productive

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Hmm. . .

What to write?

I'm not bored,

Or sad. . .

Just feeling lazy,

But productive, at the same time.

How does that work?

One second I'm writing.

The next I'm on break.

Watching videos,

Until, I want to write again.

I don't want to edit,

Even though I should.

Just not in that mindset,

It'll only kill my mood.

What can I write?

It can't make me bored.

It can't be too much,

Or my lazy side will kick in.

But if I go too slow,

I'll only drop what I got.

Is it better to write,

Or just take a break?

I wish I could pick,

One side over the other.

Being lazy and productive,

Is really confusing.

What's there to do,

That can be a happy medium of both?

I can't just pick,

One side over the other.

It feels like I'm doing schoolwork,

I want it done but don't want to go near it.

This should be fun,

Not feel like a job!

The two moods are at war,

Neither going away,

But they don't stay for long.

Now today I'm feeling pretty good and this is not my current mood. I wrote this a while back but have been waiting for the right time to post it. Sometimes when I write I just can't stick to writing but I also can't stop. It's an annoying mood to be in so thankfully I don't have that mood right now. I've been writing a lot more recently and I'm happy with how everything is turning out!

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