The Star And Sun

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You're my Earth,

I'm your moon.

But not your sun,

Because I'm not,

Your number one.

The stars watch us,

While you watch her. . .

If only you could turn to me!

While I'm not so bright,

My love for you was pure light.

She's beaten your heart,

Left you ignored.

Who was there,

To heal your wounds?

No, you don't love me.

So it's time for me to leave.

Too late to say,

You want me.

He saved me,

Mended my heart.

I won't be your backup option!

I love him to each star and back!

He has everything,

That you lacked.

I love him and he loves me.

I'm his Sun and he's my handsome Star,

Together we're the two S's,

Who stayed together forever.

I don't know why, but as I wrote this I couldn't read it normal. I was singing it in my head in a soft voice. I don't know how I came up with this poem. It started from the three lines of the first stanza. Don't ask how I got those, those words just randomly popped in my mind, haha.

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