What Do You See?

9 5 4

Hmm, hmmm, hmm~!

I'm kind of humming,

Unbeknownst to me, my fingers strumming.

You grab my hand. . .

Such a nice song,

For you and I to hear,

As we dance along.

Twirl me around,

Show me you care.

Don't just give me that stare!

I don't know how you feel,

Wbat you're thinking. . .

And that. . That scares me. . .

This is all so new to me.

What are we?

Don't just drag me around!

Show me why,

Why you feel so strongly.

It's just me. . .

So what do you see. . . ?

I had fun writing this one! I originally was listening to a song (Wow another one! XD) That had me in an upbeat mood, but I didn't know how to describe it. And I guess things just became romantic the more it went and then kinda sad and I had a story in my head. I have a part two in mind, so keep an eye out for that ;P I'll probably post it tomorrow as a bonus update, since I shouldn't be busy (Fingers crossed)!

Also @Nasiim22 I can already picture the comments you might have for certain lines XD Like the grab my hand part and oh just wait until the part two theres a part I think you and everyone else will find amusing XD 

I wanna dedicate this one to her, since there's a lot of parts that are reminding me of you. Haha, Nasiim, thanks for being so supportive and funny!

 Same to all my other readers, your comments and votes make my day! Even when I see just a vote, I appreciate the fact that you guys take time out of your day to read my work! 

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