Not A Game

18 7 28

I don't want to look at you.

Your eyes may be a perfect shade of blue.

But you have an ugly personality,

You're the opposite of true.

You say you like me,

But its not love.

You're not going to change from being a devil,

And magically turn into a dove.

You don't love me.

I won't be chained,

When I know I can be free.

Don't say you love me,

When you told that to every girl,

Whose hearts YOU broke.

What you feel,

It's not love.

You're just bore,

Find me attractive,

And want to play me,

Like a game.

Jokes on you,

I won't be fooled.

I will not let my heart,

Be ruled!

Again. . .

Because I'm not a game!

My feelings are REAL

My heart ISN'T made of steel!

Don't play something that's broken. . .

Don't treat me like a pawn on your board.

I'm not a game. . .

There's going to be a part two to this, you can guess from who's pov ;)

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