Friend By Your Side

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How did we meet?

I honestly don't know.

It all happened so fast,

We became friends right away.

I knew from our first meet,

That you're very sweet!

You're funny!

Yet you're poems aren't all that sunny.

Beneath those dark words,

Is someone who deserves. . .

All the happiness she can get!

Her writing continues to grow,

Her words having a beautiful flow.

Whenever you're down,

Just be sure to turn around.

I'll be there to wipe off the slightest frown.

And to remind you of what you carry,

A crown on your head.

Never forget you're a,


A queen with a friend by her side.

This poem is dedicated to Nasiim22

She wrote the sweetest poem about me, that absolutely made my day! She writes awesome poems and other stories, so go check her out! You're missing out if you don't!

Lol this poem did come out pretty cheesy but I do hope you like it!

Love you all! <3<3<3

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