Show Your Power

28 11 14

No one listens,

No one cares.

I can't ask for advice,

I don't receive support. . .

But I didn't let that stop me!

They didn't listen,

So I gave them a reason to listen.

I was a diamond in the rough,

But now. . .

Everyone knows who I am.

Those that misjudged me,

Had regrets. . .

I didn't let the falls,

Make me stay down.

I got up and,

Showed my power. . . !

I did it,

So should you. . .

Get back up and,

Show your power!

Thanks for 900 views! Woo! Your support really does help motivate me to continue writing. It helps me know how I can help you guys, what you guys enjoy and how I can improve with my writing.

With today's poem, I want it to feel empowering. This message goes for anyone, any of my poems can be taken for any gender. They may seem like they go for one gender, but it's kinda hard to make it fit both XD The point is the message goes to everyone. I want you guys to feel empowered and happy with yourselves. You all have a voice and should feel free to use it! Don't let what anyone says stop you from getting what you want! That's it for today's poem. Love you all, bye~! <3<3<3

Poetry's Tale to TellDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora