Change and Justice

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The princess was once told,

"This is not your job!

Leave it to the men,

You can't do it,

You are incapable!"

Learning was forbidden. . .

For they knew if she learned,

They'd be bottom of the ranks. 

Too bad for them. . .

She was persistent,

It was her forbidden secret.

Her love of learning,

Only grew.

She never backed down,

She never gave up.

She gave her,




Tears. . .

Now it was her,

Who ruled the lands.

Laws were made,

Some were broken.

All were allowed,

The same special treasures.

The treasures,

Of knowledge and equality.

A new era began. . .

The era of Change and Justice.

This doesn't just go for the girls. To the boys who want to try something different, but are told it's not for them, don't listen to them and do what makes you happy! Hard work always pays off, so long as you have an end goal in mind. Nothing exists for just one gender, anyone can do anything! 

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