Love Yourself

20 7 6

Look in the mirror.

What do you see?

I see a person,

Who is hella hot!

Damn, look at you!

I don't know what "flaws,"

You see.

Because I see a ten out of ten!

Who cares how that person looks?

I'm talkin about you,

Not them.

Don't compare the two!

Now say it with me,

"I am beautiful.

I'm limited edition,

The one and only~!"

Whatever "flaws" you "see,"

I don't.

You know what I see?

Your gorgeous smile,

Pulchritudinous eyes.

But most importantly. . .

Your killer personality.

What you see,

Are not flaws.

They are what make you,


If someone else can love them,

Why can't you?

Learn to love yourself,

Before loving another.

You should love all of you,

Not just one part of you.

If it bothers you so,

Then just know,

Nothing is permanent.

If you want something changed,

Change it.

Only you can change it.

If you want something,

Then what's stopping you?

Only you and your mind games. . .

Be the best you!

But understand. . .

No one or thing is perfect.

There will always be something to criticize.

But who cares?

As long as you're happy with yourself,

Then it's not a flaw,

It's a beauty mark.

Another's opinion,

Does not matter.

How do you feel?

Take a good look in the mirror,

Reorganize your thoughts.

What I think may not matter,

But you should. . .

Love yourself,

Love all of you!

Thanks so much for over 800 reads on this book! The poems in here are meant ti help in one way or another. Whether they help by entertaining you, making you laugh, open your eyes about something or even inspire you. There's always something that can be taken from each poem and I'm so glad I get to share them with you guys!

Love you all! <3<3<3

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