The Broken Beauty

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It all started with a trip,

A trip that would have many slips.

For every trip, 

The question was asked.

Without a second to wait,

Nor a minute to waste.

Her statement the same,

No hesitation was made.

"A Rose."

With a questioning stare,

He made no dare.

If only she knew,

The prodding look she gave,

Would send a terrible wave,

Of heartache and tears. . .

A rose

So disparate and unique.

A differing color,

To signify a different feeling.

A rose was different like her.

However, a rose was known,

As pretty!

She was known as a bad kind of witty.

Off to the woods, her father went.

Not to be seen as time was spent.

Feary and worry, 

Her number one meal. . .

She rushed to the woods,

No thought of the dangers.

At least, 

Not until the red flags were seen.

The howls of wolves,

Were heard in the night.

Now it's a race,

To getaway!

The shift of the land was unmistakable.

From summer to winter. . .

A castle to be seen,

On her horse, she galloped away.

The chase from the wolves did

Not make her sway.

Into the castle, she went.

She was certain of what fate meant,

That was for her to vent.

She felt cursed!

Her freedom over her father's safety,

It was never an option!

There she lies, trapped in a cage.

She knew not to engage,

Even if she was somewhat curious of his age. 

She despised the beast.

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