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A beautiful sight.

To explore,

Every day and night.

It inspires,

Spreads beauty,

Shows the value of life.

Whenever you feel alone,

Look outside.

Take a deep breath,

Appreciate what you have.

The soft breeze,

That refreshes you.

The scent of mowed grass,

Leaves a smile on your face.

The colorful flowers,

Reminds you of an emotion,

They all have their own powers.

Each holds a different meaning.

Don't focus on the past.

Don't focus on the future.

Focus on the present

Enjoy the view,

And the memories they bring. . . !

Hey everyone! I hope you are all doing well! Just wanted to give a quick shoutout to @LexyCoakley who suggested I write a poem about nature. It was honestly super difficult for me, but I enjoyed the challenge! Maybe in the future I will have a better poem about nature. I love you all and have a great day/night~! <3

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