Secrets are Revealed

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- Cece's POV -

I still can not believe how the bloody hell Adam figured out that Bea and I were the foreign waitresses. But good news; Adam and Sienna are no more.

******* flashback *******

*people start crowding around Adam and Sienna*

Adam: What the hell did I do?! You're the one who was acting superior and stuck up at the restaurant! I didn't even want to go but I KNEW HOW MUCH YOU LOVE THOSE FANCY RESTAURANTS!

Sienna: Oh yeah!!!????!!!!! Well YOU'RE the one who took us to that dodgy mediocre restaurant in the first place, AND when I had all that sh** dumped on me you didn't attempt to help or stand UP FOR ME!
*Sienna takes a step closer to Adam*

Adam: Well considering your constant condescending, b***** attitude I didn't think you NEEDED someone to fight YOUR battles!

*the crowd goes silent*

Sienna: ARGH! You know the ONLY reason why I went out with you is because I lost a bet and I had to date the most pathetic guy in the village!

*Sienna takes another step closer to Adam and slaps him, then turns and walks off leaving Adam hurt and confused*

******* flashback over *******

I do feel bad for Adam though because ever since that little 'incident' no one has even acknowledged that he's alive. They all think he's some self centred, egotistical jerk who broke Sienna's heart (when honestly it's the other way around)

Adam hasn't talked to anyone for awhile, he just either sits by himself or doesn't show his face in public. I feel so bad for him but he probably wants to be alone anyway.

As for me, I still haven't revealed my new hair (which is another reason why I'm not talking to Adam) I know I can't keep it hidden forever but now is not a good time.

I look out into the distance, and that's when I saw the familiar black smoke drifting towards the village.

The Renegades are here.

- Adam's POV -

I can't believe Sienna slapped me! To be honest I wanted to slap her hard right then and there but I'm a gentlemen- I don't hit or attack girls (unless they're part of The Renegades but that's different)

But she didn't even look like she regretted it at all. In fact NO ONE else is talking or even looking at me at the moment because they all believe that I'm some kind of maniac.

There was always one person on my side though. Cece. She was always there and I just ditched her and went to Sienna. I was so stupid to do that, she probably hates me now or else she would've talked to me.

I've spent basically the last three days isolated in my apartment, no way am I stupid enough to face everyone out there! I just wish I hadn't messed everything up between Cece and I, I'm afraid that we might not be able to get our amazing friendship back.

I don't care if she ruined my date with Sienna, well technically she didn't ruin it because she made me realise how obnoxious and self centred Sienna really is. I should never of even acknowledged Sienna, then I'd still be close friends with Cece and I wouldn't be hiding in my apartment right now.

It was around another 2 hours later when I smelt smoke, I looked out the window and sure enough......The Renegades ship was there.

I saw Cece and everyone else run towards the ship, I put on my hoodie and sprint down to everyone.

"Well well well, if it isn't my FAVOURITE village" Viktor sneered.

Cece rolled her eyes "What do you want, Viktor?" She folded her arms.

"Geez, someone wants to get to the point fast. I want the boy with the telekinesis ability" he looks over at me.

"Never in a million...." She starts but quickly gets interrupted by Viktor again.

"You didn't let me finish, Cece. I want the boy, AND I want you......dead" he cackled.

"And YOU didn't let ME finish, Viktor. There is absolutely no way I am letting you even try to hurt Adam. Anyway you couldn't kill me even if you tried......oh my bad, you have; several times may I add" She smirks.

He just glares at her and snarls "Well this time I have back up. There is no way you or the boy are escaping this ALIVE"

"What makes you think that the we won't survive? I've been training my whole life" she raises an eyebrow.

"Yes, YOU have trained your whole life......but has HE?" He gestures towards me.

Cece turns around and looks straight at me. She looks so apologetic, like it was her fault! When really it's DEFINITELY not her fault, I just wish she knew that.

Viktor just evilly smiles and yells "It's time, men"

And then the real fight began. It started off amazingly, I was knocking out people to my left and right. Cece had saved me loads of times, and I actually saved her a couple of times! But then it started going downhill, I was fighting this one guy when another guy snuck up behind me. Cece got rid of him, I mouthed a quick thank you but literally two minutes later some other guy used a pressure point that made me lose my telekinesis ability! So basically it was combat time, I still remember everything Cece taught me, how could I forget?

We managed to get rid of Viktor's back up, so he was just left there standing by himself. He doesn't even look slightly worried, he just smirks.

"Might as well give up now, Viktor" Cece readjusted her hoodie so it covered her head again.

Viktor just laughs "You might as well give up now when people fund out what you're hiding"

Next thing you know he uses his power (air) to pull down Cece's hoodie.......

And reveal her.......'daring' new hair colour.

- Cece's POV-

Everyone just stares at me, eyes wide open.

"So nice of you to reveal your true colours" Viktor laughs at his crappy pun.

I'm not even brave enough to look at Adam, or Khan or anyone else really. I wanted to reveal it but DEFINITELY not like this!

I look back at Viktor, except he's completely disappeared! I don't hesitate, I just bolt back to my apartment. Tears are streaming down my face at this point, the amount of disgusted looks I saw was crazy!

I run inside, lock the door, close the curtains and sit on the couch eating cookie dough for the rest of the night while watching Spongebob.

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