Things Get Complicated

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- Adam's POV -

Everyone rushes out to the Village Square, there standing directly in the centre was Viktor. As well as thirty or so more soldiers behind him.

He laughs and smiles cruelly. "Well, well, well. Did you all miss me? I sure did miss you."

Khan steps forward. "Leave, Viktor. While you're still able to."

Viktor's expression turns hard. "You really think you can defeat my soldiers? Even when Cecelia's Bennet is away?"

This time I step forward, overtaken by rage. "Of course we can defeat you!"

He pauses for a brief second then gestures to the Village and turns his head to the side. "Get them and burn down this whole Village."

Everyone immediately takes their positions and take their fighting stances.

The fight begins, all thirty Renegades soldiers charge towards us. Before this guy can even make a move, I flip him over and he's lying unconscious on the floor. Adrenaline kicks in and I begin fighting better than I ever have.

Another soldier charges towards me, clearly an Earth bender by the way his feet are contacting the Earth. Cece taught me those few tricks.

I duck as a giant boulder flies right over my head. Using all the energy within me, I focus every atom of my attention on moving this massive boulder and smile to myself when I hear the Earth Bender groan in pain on the ground.

Quickly glancing around at everyone else, I sprint towards Jordan; who is struggling slightly with his opponent. I run up from behind and jab between his neck and shoulder blade, making him lose his flying power. Jordan nods at me and I move on to my next opponent.

This guys doesn't look so easy to beat, he has invisibility! Cursing under my breath, I block his attack. I manage to get a few good punches and kicks in before he suddenly appears behind me and punches me in my ribcage and kicks behind my left knee. I fall to the ground, trying to regain my breath as quickly as possible. His technique isn't that good, he completely missed my pressure point.

Whilst his back was turned I kicked out my leg, tripping him up and making him fall over. I stomp my foot on the side of his ankle and he grimaces. I kick between his shoulder blade, he cries out in pain then blacks out.

I stop for a moment, it smells like something is burning. My body turns around to the Village and I curse very loudly. The fire benders are burning down the Village! I look at Khan, who is swearing and we both sprint towards the small huddle of benders.

Khan is basically a machine when it comes to fighting, his technique is incredibly strong as he is taking down fire benders left and right.

I charge at this one guy, who deflects my punch. Before he can summon his fire I jab my fingers into his pressure point and he tenses. This guy clearly isn't combat prepared because he's unconscious on the ground in a matter of seconds. Khan and I keep fighting, except it just feels like more and more benders are coming.

This guy takes me from behind by surprise and within seconds I'm lying on my back; grimacing in pain as I feel a trickle of blood fall down my neck.

I look around at everybody else, we are definitely losing. A number of our beginners are on the ground or unconscious; not including Layla who is still fighting.

How the heck are we supposed to win?

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