Well That Could've Gone Better.....

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- Cece's POV -

I was still pretty confused about why Adam chose ME to be his fake girlfriend. He has plenty of friends that are girls.......yet he chooses his combat teacher? Maybe.....just maybe......he may have feelings for me?

"The reason why I chose you was because you're the type of girl my Aunt Lydia likes.......so yeah" he says rather awkwardly

Of course he wouldn't have feelings for me, I was just being stupid. How could I even think that?! Why would he be interested in me? I mean we're friends I guess.....I wouldn't really say we're besties or anything. And to be honest; I'm not really looking forward to meeting his cruel and judgemental Aunt Lydia.

- Adam's POV-

The actual reason why I chose Cece was because a) my Aunt does like pretty girls and Cece is beyond beautiful and b) maybe if by us being in a 'fake relationship' it might lead to something more.....

Oh who am I kidding? A girl that beautiful would NEVER be interested in a guy like me.

Hence why I lied and said "The reason why I chose you was because you're the type of girl my Aunt Lydia likes.......so yeah" I know I know I'm a terrible liar- but she seemed to believe it so its all good.

But to be honest I really am dreading my Aunt Lydia coming. I think she'll like Cece but you never really know with that woman. She'll either love you instantly, or hate you instantly. And if she hates you; your life is basically screwed. It also doesn't help that I'm not one of her 'favourites' either.

But I guess we'll just have to wait and see.....

- Cece's POV-

After that encounter with Adam I rush off to the gym; needing to take my anger and hurt out of my system. I change into my purple crop and black booty shorts and put my lucky red fighting gloves on.

I walk through the doors; welcomed by the smell of determination (and sweat) I chuck my bag and my phone on the bench and start warming up by basic punches on the punching bag.

After about 40 minutes of punches; I move on to perfecting my back kicks and side kicks.

9 hardcore and intense hours later I pack up my stuff and head back to my apartment. I love my apartment; it's cheap, quite spacious yet still has that cosy and welcoming vibe. I quickly take a shower and wash my hair, then hop out and dry my hair and change into an oversized white sweater and black leggings with ugg boots. I sweep my hair into a messy bun and start cooking dinner.

After I eat my dinner, I grab my guitar and sit on the couch while working on a new song

God didn't make you perfect
He only made you worth it
So please don't waste your time
I wish that you could see
How amazing you could be
If you just stayed for awhile

My voice cracks by the end of it as I remember my best friend; Haley. Haley had gotten so badly bullied and abused that she couldn't take it anymore and killed herself. Her parents were never supportive so she only had me; and I wasn't good enough for her. I blame myself for her death because as her best friend, I should've been there for her and I should've done everything possible to make sure she stayed alive.

But I didn't......she never told me of her horrifying experiences with bullies, she always acted so happy and friendly when I was around her that I didn't assume anything was wrong.

I let the tears stain my cheeks as I remember my best friend.

- Adam's POV-

I wake up at 10:00 am the next day as it was quite cold outside, and the bed was so warm and cosy. After 19 minutes of literally doing nothing but staring at the roof, I eat breakfast and take a shower.

I never know what to wear around my Aunt Lydia since she's so judgemental and horrid so I decide to just chuck on some jeans and a red hoodie with my black converse.

I was planning to meet Cece for lunch at 12:30 to discuss what we were going to say to Aunt Lydia. You know, how we met, how long we've been together and all that stuff.

I decide to go and look for Cece (even though it's just 12:00 it'd be good to just get our cover story over and done with). The first place I look is in the gym and sure enough she's there, I hide behind the bench just watching her train. She's so fit and strong it's unbelievable.......she barely ever gets tired. She looked so beautiful in her white crop and Lorna Jane shorts.

Around 15 minutes later she packs up her stuff and rushes back to her apartment. I laugh at how fast she bolted back to her apartment; you'd think zombies were chasing her.

I decided to just wait outside the little cafe where we're planning to meet. 5 minutes later she walks up in this gorgeous floral dress and fake denim jacket [outfit to the side]

I was about to tell her how beautiful she looked when Aunt Lydia walked up to us.

"I thought you were coming at 2?!" I demand

"Yes well I was but the plans changed" she replied in her lazy drawl

She looks Cece up and down, my hands start shaking I'm so nervous!

"And who is this pretty girl?" She beamed


"This....is uh" I look at Cece "my girlfriend Cece" I stutter

Aunt Lydia shakes her hand vigorously while Cece smiles her angelic smile

"Adam has told me so much about you, how much of a wonderful Auntie you are to him" she gushes

"Oh well, I suppose I am rather good at what I do" she soaks in the admiration

I just look at Cece and mouth 'what?' She just winks in response and talks eagerly to my Aunt.

Everything was great until my Aunt asked about her family, Cece is forced to tell her how her family died because of The Renegades.

"But The Renegades are right- they should indeed rule the world and kill anyone who is in their way. Even if it is worthless little peasants" she said emotionless.....then things turned real bad


After many cursed words were exchanged between the two of them I run after Cece, leaving my Aunt glaring daggers at my back.

I wrap my arms around her and hug her so tightly "Hey it's okay, don't worry about my ass of an Aunt....everything you said was true" I mutter quietly

"I'm sorry for getting you into all this drama" I whisper

"Well that could've gone better" she says trying to lighten the mood

I just hug her even more tightly.

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