The Renegades

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- Adam's POV

Tonight is another war meeting, the meetings are more frequent these days since the Renegades are getting increasingly stronger. I walk into the familiar, huge and pastel coloured Hall where almost everyone is seated. By almost everyone I mean, Cece is still not here; which is really not like her.

Kahn just looks over at me and mouth where is she? By she it was obvious he meant Cece but I just mouthed back I have no idea, that's actually the truth though. He rolls his eyes and mutters something under his breath before starting the meeting,

"Welcome Everyone! As you know, times are getting tougher and the Renegades are getting stronger. But we still remain as United as ever, and it's crucial that we all stick together! Even though there are still people absent from this meeting," he glares at the table before plastering a fake smile and continues.

"We need a new plan immediately. Now if anyone has a plan, do not be afraid to spea...." He was about to continue before the big wooden doors fly open and in walks an apologetic Cece. I give her a confused look but she barely even looks my way!

Kahn just glares at her and whispers angrily (and quite loudly), "You better have a jolly good reason at to why you are late or you shall be banned from further meetings"

Cece looks him right in the eyes and says in a daring tone, "the reasoning for my absence shall remain private as it is indeed personal. I wasn't even going to attend but I have a new plan."

"Well excuse me when I say that I shall not hear of this new plan until everyone else has spoken, and even then you'd be lucky for me to hear it" Kahn glares at her.

Cece just says nothing but pulls out a musty yellowed folder, containing some paper inside, "You'll find everything you need to know inside, I must be off now" and with that being said, she turns her back, not even looking at me.

Kahn begins to read what is inside.

- Cece's POV

I was really dreading this war meeting, after all Kahn barely listens to others ideas. I begrudgingly ended my training session, and went back to my apartment to get ready. However when I opened the door, everything was scattered everywhere, glass frames were smashed, furniture was tipped upside down. I was dazed and confused as I cautiously walked around my apartment, as not to step on any glass.

I was so dazed I almost didn't notice what was written on the wall, for there in what I hoped was red paint (but had a feeling it wasn't) was the sentence 'I may not have found you this time, but next time YOU WILL PAY; and lose the ones you cherish the most'

I was still confused about who the hell would do this to me, although I have enemies I don't think no one in this village would have the guts to do this; probably someone from the Renegades, or somebody's idea of a crap prank.

But there on the table was some sort of folder. I walk towards it and find a sticky note with the words READ IT. I open the folder, my curiosity at its peak and discover some notes and research on this boy. My eyes quickly scanned for a name, anything; I was missing the meeting for this.

I drop the folder once I read the name, the boy's name is Drake Vance; my supposedly dead brother.

I quickly pick up the folder and sprint to the meeting.

I shall see you soon, brother.

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