Its a Hard Life

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- Adam's POV -

I awake the next morning with a horrible headache. It feels like there is a metal hammer pounding on my skull.

I look at the clock; it's already 11:30 am! I quickly dial Layla's number.

As the phone rings I have a mini coughing fit, it ends just as her cheery voice speaks up. "Hey Adam what's up?"

"I don't think I'll be able to make it to lunch today, I don't feel well at all. I'm sorry it's last minute, but I just need to rest for today."

There's an awkward silence, I check just to make sure she's still there then she answers. "That's okay, Adam, I hope you feel better soon. Are we okay? Yesterday it felt like you were mad at me."

"What? No, no everything is still wonderful. I wasn't mad at you at all!" Why does she always think I'm mad at her?

"Okay cool, I just had this weird feeling that there was some sort of tension. Anyway we can reschedule once you feel better. I'll talk later, bye Adam."

"Bye Layla." Weirdly enough, it felt like the goodbye was a lot deeper than intended.

I put my phone onto my bedside table and reluctantly get up from my comfortable bed. I put the kettle on and get out the 2 minute noodle packet. Noodles always get me through sickness.

Well over two minutes later, I start eating the noodles. I hate this sick feeling, it messes around with your head so much.

I hear my phone ring from my bedroom, groaning very loudly I answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey Adam, come to my office. There's been a threat from the Renegades." Khan answers then hangs up immediately.

I rush over to his office straightaway, if Khan calls its never any good news. He never sends those "so how you going?" sort of chats. It's always "we are gonna die" dramatic messages.

I knock on the door an start shaking as he says. "Come in."

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