Why Are War Meetings So Depressing?

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- Adams POV -

Five months after Cece's departure and I can safely say that my life has returned to being good. Layla and I are officially together (I've already had three lectures from Jen.) The Renegades haven't bothered us at all and I'm still advancing with my combat, I'm officially the best fighter in the village now. Aside from Cece, but we all know she won't be back for ages.

Just as I finished cooking breakfast the War Meeting bell echoed throughout the Village. Cursing under my breath about not getting to eat my avocado on toast, I grab my phone and head out to the Meeting Room.

I meet Layla outside and we walk in together, hand in hand. We sit at the large rectangular table, only the adults (and older kids) attend the meetings so there's easily space for everyone.

Khan clears his throat and stands up. "Good morning everyone, I've called this meeting to announce that The Renegades haven't been to this Village in over five months."

Intense cheering and applause breaks out and Khan holds his hand for silence. "That doesn't mean that we can just slack off, I've learnt over the years that the longer you wait, the harder the fight."

Paisha stands up this time, utterly confused. "So we can't be happy that they haven't come, we should be worried?"

Everybody turns to Khan, awaiting his response, he looks around sheepishly. "I'm sorry with how horrid it sounds but we have to always be on alert, ready for anything." At this point, Paisha sits down.

Khan waits for another disturbance, but the room stays silent. "I want everybody to resume their training, I have assigned trainers for you all and split you up into groups regarding your ranking."

Layla and I look at each other, she's not experienced at all with combat. However, I'm the best fighter here; wouldn't I be able to train Layla? I damn hope so.

"The trainers are; Cloe, Kalura, Maikin, Joshua, Malika, Romera, Romano and Lili." Khan announced as each trainer stands up.

Frustration and confusion take over me as I stand up. "Why can't I be a trainer?"

Khan turns to me, and rolls his eyes. "You're not old enough, nor had enough practical experience."

"I'm only a year younger than Cece is!"

"But Cece has had far more practical experience, and is more knowledgable." Khan turns and looks directly at me.

"Well Cece isn't here now, is she? Shows just how loyal she is."

"Cece is out experiencing this battle firsthand, she is doing far more than you ever have! I know you're angry but don't call her unloyal." Khan curses under his breath.

Layla tries to calm me down but I shrug off her arm and storm out. Cece is the one who left, and even if I'm not practically experienced I can still at least help train beginners! That means that I'd have to be in a group. Why is Khan still so protective over Cece? She literally walked away from us and he still praises her.

I head straight to the punching bags in the gym, needing to release this frustration.

Twenty minutes later I receive a text from Khan.

I don't know what happened to you today but you're in Group I, the most experienced group so don't make me regret putting you in there. Your trainer is Joshua.

I don't even bother replying, Josh is nice and all but it still doesn't make me any less angry. When will Khan stop treating me like I'm five and know nothing?

Even the punching bags can't deal with all of my frustration.

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