Well This Backfired

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- Adam's POV -

Training had to finish early, Rae just wouldn't listen to Cece at all. He ended up storming out, no one went out after him. We were allowed to leave right after.

I wanted to approach Cece and talk to her, but she was already deep in conversation with Josh. If Josh weren't gay, I'd be jealous and a little suspicious. He's definitely the coolest guy I've ever met.

My mind doesn't really think about where I'm going but suddenly I end up in the Markets. I walk around, looking at the different stalls; mostly jewellery is being sold here.

I head home and completely unwind as I collapse onto the couch. I completely lost track of time, I only have two and a half hours until my training with Cece starts.

Without hesitation I put on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One. There's no better way to spend time than watching Harry Potter.

Just as the end credits start rolling, I look at my phone; only ten minutes to get ready. By the time I've gotten changed, roughly combed my hair, packed my bag and grabbed a quick bite to eat, I only have two minutes to get there.

Sprinting I race to the gym, and get there in exactly one minute and 25 seconds.

Cece is smiling as I'm bent overturning to catch my breath. "It looks like you've just ran a marathon."

In between breaths I manage to muster. "Harry...Potter...deathly hallows...food....market."

She laughs, that beautiful sound I can never seem to get enough of. "For our first session I thought it would be best to just get a rough idea on where you're at and where you'd like to be." She sits cross legged on the mats, I sit across from her.

"Well," I say, "during battle I too often let my anger control my actions. This burning rage builds up inside of me and makes me lose control."

"Is there any sort of trigger?"

"That's the scary thing, I have no idea what the trigger is and how to control it." I sigh defeatedly.

"Triggers can be basically anything, it could do with the person you're against, things they say, the environment you're in, the situation or even your mind replaying events." She explains.

I nod. "I'm not sure what the trigger is, all I know is the feeling of all the rage building up inside of me."

Cece jumps up, then offers me a hand which I graciously accept. "We can figure out the trigger soon, you need to learn how to contain this anger. Don't let it control you."

"And how do I do that?" I ask confused.

She smiles giddily. "There's something really really cool," she unveils this gigantic rectangular prism, "Ta da! This is a fighting simulation where you customise your opponent and face off. Khan said to try it with you today, I have no idea if it'll work."

I grin. "I'm happy to be the test dummy."

I hop into the chamber-like prism and put on a headset. I give Cece the thumbs up and she hits a button, starting a countdown.

After it hits one, I'm transported into a jungle scenery and standing there front and centre is Viktor.

- Cece's POV -

I smile as Adam looks so excited to try out the new simulation chamber, I'm nervous as to how real it'll look. He gives me the thumbs up and I start the countdown.

Around five minutes later, Adam is overtaken by rage and emotion. He's cursing at the imaginary figure and crouching down onto his knees in almost hysteria.

"ADAM!" I scream, hitting the glass and desperately trying to open the door. I curse really loud, the door automatically locks from the inside. Seeing Adam's reaction and hearing his screams is actually physically hurting.

Without hesitating I kick the door down and rush to his side; immediately taking off the headset and holding him close.

He hugs me back really tightly and whispers. "I-I know what my trigger is."

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