Arrivals and Departures

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- Adam's POV -

No, I'm not going to lose her without a fight. Wait, why is she even leaving?

I sprint outside the war meeting, thanking the lord when I see Cece a little bit ahead. I sprint a little further then yell,


She stops then slowly turns around, "Look Adam I'm really sorry it had to end like this, but I have to sort out something important. Please, just go back to the meeting." She looks at the ground.

"No, I'm not going back until my girlfriend decides to explain to me why she's leaving" I'm not letting her push me around like this, not again.

"IT WAS ONE DATE ADAM, ONE STUPID DATE. Pretty sure that doesn't make us together and besides I have to leave." She glares at me.

I froze, obviously my feelings for her were stronger than her feelings for me, "Fine, I get it we aren't together, my date was stupid after all." I hold back the tears that were stinging my eyes.

Her expression softened slightly, "Look your date wasn't stupid, it was sweet. But I need to go, it's personal and there are plenty of other girls in the village."

She turns to walk away, "But you see there's a little problem, none of those girls are you" I bite my lip and instantly redden.

"Adam you're going to have to move on, I'm sorry, I really am but I have to go and sort something out. Alone."

"Why do you have to go alone? I could go with you, I could help you."

"Because I'm going somewhere far away, and Kahn would kill me if I took you with me. You do need to stay and train, remember?"

"But what if you can train me whilst we are away? You were my trainer, remember?" I mimic her words, not even caring when she looked hurt.

"There are other people who can train you. Now please just leave me alone, Adam" she rolls her eyes.

- Cece's POV -

God I hate fighting with Adam, but there's no way he can tag along. Not without Kahn turning against me, or him finding out that my brother could still be alive.

"There are other people who can train you. Now please just leave me alone, Adam." I roll my eyes.

He pauses, clearly hurt by the fact that I still want him to piss off. He's just about to answer when Kahn dashes out.

"Are you seriously going to leave? We had that whole war meeting because of you. The Renegades only want you, Cece. Don't just abandon us because of someone pretending to be-"

"STOP!" I subtly nod my head towards Adam, who looks so confused and continue, "With me gone, The Renegades will leave you all alone. I have to leave and see if it is someone pretending.......or if it is the actual person"

"The Renegades will burn this village down because we were allies with you, don't you understand?"

"I'll take care of that I promise but I really need to leave. Please just trust me on this, Kahn, I've never broken a promise after all" I smile when he just hugs me.

"Good Luck" he whispers and retreats back to the meeting.

I turn to face Adam, whose eyes are filled with tears. He turns away and says, "You broke one promise, actually Cece. You promised me months ago that you'd never leave me. I guess I really did mean nothing to you."

I roll my eyes, "JUST BLOODY LEAVE ME ALONE! That was months ago, before I found out that.....never mind. That was before I found out some crucial information regarding my past. You did mean something to me, you idiot. I don't just watch Harry Potter with anyone." I muttered the last sentence to myself.

"Fine, if you want to leave, then LEAVE. If you want to throw away our friendship, if we even had one, then go ahead. Why should I stop you?"

"Finally. We did have a friendship, Adam, but I don't think I was even ready to begin another relationship. I won't be gone forever, but I dint know how long I'll be"

I walk away, forcing myself to not turn around and jump in his arms.

- Adams POV -

Days flew by, and now it's officially a month since Cece's departure. Kahn still holds war meeting, I still train and Cece is still the backstabbing EX-best friend.

My phone suddenly violently vibrates, "Hello?"

"Hi Adam, sweetie. Just calling to remind you that your cousin Jen and her friend are arriving at your town this afternoon."

"How could I forget, mum. Everything is all sorted, Kahn agreed to lend them an apartment. Anyway I have to go, love you"

I end the call quickly, then dial Kahn's number, his voice groggily speaks up, "What do you need, Adam?"

"I need you to lend an apartment to my cousin and her friend. I promised my mum I'd ask you, and it would be really great if you could"

"Fine, fine. Bye"

I grin, Kahn never really liked me that much, he preferred Cece more. Just about everyone did.

Before I knew it, it was lunchtime. I see Jen and her friend in the distance.

Jen sees me, grins and runs over, "Hey cuz! How you been?"

"Great, how about you, cuz?" I laugh.

"Awesome. Oh this is my friend, Layla" she gestures to the girl next to her.

I look at her and I have to admit: she's gorgeous.

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