The Training Session Not From Hell

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- Adam's POV -

"Viktor sent this video message." Khan instantly hits play on the video.

Viktor is seated at the head of a large table with three buff looking guards directly behind him.

He looks directly at the camera and evilly laughs as he's picturing the horrified look on Khan's face. "Hello to my favourite Village. Just a word of warning for you all, my forces and I are coming for you and your puny Village. Too much time has been lost."

The guards behind him join in the chorus of cruel laughter and the screen goes black

"Seven months it has been, I don't even want to think about what they have planned."

I pause, he never mentioned when he was coming; it could be tomorrow or it could be in a months time. "I wish we knew when he was coming."

"Whenever that is, we need to be prepared. I'll have the trainers notify everyone and training will begin immediately. Head to the gym." I nod and leave, Khan never was the friendly one.

Not even two minutes later I get a message from Josh in this group chat he made; "hey guys, meet at Room 23 in the gym for training."

Rolling my eyes I head over to the gym, I'm already wearing a singlet and shorts. I walk in Room 23 and see Simon, Rae and Marvin just inside.

Josh is standing in the centre of the room, surrounded by heaps of equipment. "Okay guys, I'm Josh as you all know. Because you guys are the elite group, I highly doubt we need to start from the beginning or really go through much. Pair up and fight." He instructs.

Simon and I high five, we've been good friends for a while now. We stand across from each other and take our stances.

He makes the first move, I instantly block it and try to jab at his shoulder; he swiftly defects it. There's a continuous hit and deflect and rhythm before I do a sneak attack and get a good hit at his ribcage. He falls to the ground, clutching his side.

"Fair play." I grin at him and help him up.

Josh walks over. "Good use of surprise, Adam."

Fifteen minutes of intense fighting, Josh whistles between his two fingers, instantly grabbing our attention.

"One thing I noticed is that no one tried to use any of their surroundings. Now in a combat fight, you can easily use your surroundings to your advantage and your opponents disadvantage. Spread out with your partner and really focus on the architecture and the equipment in here."

We break into our pairs again and start over. Simon uses the pull up bars to launch himself at me; which I was really not ready for. I quickly get up and dodge his punches.

I scan my surroundings and notice the brick pillar. Flashbacks of my training with Cece come flooding back, she taught me one of her signature moves; launching from the wall into a backflip and ending it with an epic drop kick.

I sprint towards the pillar, Simon right behind me exactly where I want him. My body launches itself into a backflip from the wall and I end in a drop kick, leaving Simon on the floor a second time.

"Wow, Adam! That was amazing!" Simon grins as I help him up.

"That was incredible." Josh claps me on the back.

The next two hours were quite bearable, surprisingly.

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