Feelings are Annoying

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Cece's POV

I knock frantically on Tanashi's door and before he can reply, I barge right in. "We need to talk."

He looks surprised as he raises his eyebrows. "Let's talk."

I take a seat and pull out the envelope from my pocket and slam it on the table. "Someone is either pulling a prank on me, or it's an actual sighting of my brother," I pause and sigh. "But it can't be, right? He is dead after all."

Tanashi hesitates before answering. "You did say that you were on a promising lead before you came back, and in this moment of time I'd say anything can happen. Maybe he didn't really die and has been hiding out all these years or maybe this is just a big gag."

I rest my head on my hand. "I just don't want to be disappointed incase this is some horrible prank. But I have to make sure, right?"

He nods. "Normally I would try to talk you out of it but this is a unique circumstance. Find out if he is really back, don't expect anything and that way no matter what, you won't be disappointed."

"I just don't want it to be a trap, I think I'll stay. I highly doubt he could be alive."

"If you're sure that's the reason, are there any other factors that sway your decision?" He raises an eyebrow and it reminds of last time I left and how unstable it made my relationship with Adam.

I shake my head. "I'd love to get some space from everything but I don't want to be disappointed so I'll stay."

He nods his head and I leave, muttering a thank you. I couldn't just pick up my stuff and leave again, if it didn't help me get over Adam last time than it won't help anything this time.

Drake is dead, there's nothing you can do, I think to myself dismally. I quickly wipe away tears forming in my eyes and rush back home.

As I shut my front door, I let the tears fall down my face. I pull up my hood and collapse onto the couch, of all the practical jokes there are why does someone choose to torment me about my brother?

Thirty minutes of solid crying and cookie dough eating and I randomly hear a knock at the door. I curse under my breath, shove the cookie dough off the couch, make sure my eyes don't look horrible and walk to the door.

I open it and standing there is Adam, the person I least expected to show up at my house. All of my feelings resurface and I just want to run into his arms and forget about the rest of the world, he made that possible and I miss him so much.

"Uh, I just came by to pick up my jacket I left here a while back." He shuffles awkwardly, knocking me out of my daydream.

I stand there for a moment, dazed but then come back to my senses. "Hm, what...oh yeah I'll just go and get it."

I hope he doesn't notice my bright red face as I walk to my bedroom. His jacket is right next to my bed, made me feel like we were still together.

My head starts aching and I almost lose my balance from feeling so lightheaded, I steady myself and hurriedly grab his jacket and walk back to the door.

"Thanks," he smiles as I hand him his jacket. "You okay?" He asks casually but remains eye contact.

"Yeah just a headache. I guess I'll see you around in the village. Bye" I quickly shut the door and resume my cookie dough eating.

Why are people so complex?

Adam's POV

Everywhere I go it feels like Cece is there, I've managed avoiding seeing her for two days though.

Unfortunately that streak ended when I saw her rush back to her apartment as I was grocery shopping. She looked like she was going to cry.

And she rarely cries.

I shake my head, I need to get her off of my mind. I instigated the break and I'm so weak I can't even stay away: I don't want to stay away.

I head back to my apartment, if only I knew why she shut me out or what was making her change then maybe this break could be over. But I have no idea and I'm not even sure Cece knows.

Why was she always on my mind? I wish everything would just stop for a second. I need her but she doesn't need me,  I want to be there because she's going through something clearly.

Without thinking about my actions I head over to her apartment. She borrowed my jacket a while back, I never asked for it before because we were together but now that we aren't I should have it back.

I knock on the door, I'm met with silence but I can hear someone inside; she appears at the door looking tired and puffy eyed.

She zoned out slightly as an awkward silence hangs in the air. "Uh, I just came by to pick up my jacket I left here a while back." I shuffle awkwardly, something is definitely up.

Even more awkward silence as she finally registers what I just said and reddens. "Hm, what...oh yeah I'll just go and get it." She walks down the hallway. I don't think she was expecting me to ask for my jacket.

She's definitely been crying, that's for sure but why? What's going on with her? I don't think I'll be getting a lot of sleep, I hate knowing she's not okay and feeling hopeless and useless.

Thanks," I smile and she hands me my jacket. "You okay?" I casually ask, but I don't take my eyes off her.

"Yeah just a headache. I guess I'll see you around in the village. Bye." Before I can properly react, she quickly shuts the door. For some reason my feet don't want to move so I stand there for a solid five minutes.

I'm about to leave when I hear crying coming from inside, not the usual sniffle it sounded like something heart wrenching had just happened.

I wipe away the tears that had formed in my eyes and head back home.

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