Irritation and Batman

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- Adam's POV -

After my frustrated exercise, I walk back to my apartment. Honestly, it felt really good just being alone for once; without any sort of distraction.

I turn my phone back on and I instantly feel guilty when I see thirteen missed messages and five missed calls from Layla.

I hit her contact and feel more satisfied as I hear the ringing. "Adam! Oh my god are you feeling alright?"

"Hey Layla, I'm sorry about missing all of your messages. I was at the gym and turned my phone off. I'm doing okay now."

She sighs out of relief. "That's great to hear! I was worried that you were angry at me for some reason. Khan should've let you at least the beginners."

I don't really want to spend more time talking about this so I clear my throat. "Oh well it's in the past now. Did you want to meet up for lunch?"

"I can't today sorry, my cousin is visiting and we barely see him. Tomorrow?"

I smile to myself. "I understand, don't worry. And tomorrow sounds excellent."

"I need to go now but I'll see you tomorrow, handsome. Love you."

"Love you too." I hang up. I'm kind of disappointed that Layla can't meet up for lunch; now I have no plans.

Instead of moping around I dial Jordan's number. It's been a while since I have seen him.

He picks up on the first ring. "There's my little cranky Sally." He cracks up, he loves it when Aunt Lydia calls me 'Sally' so he's started doing it as well.

I crack up too, Jordan always knows how to lighten the mood. "Just wondering if you wanted to come over for the Batman marathon tonight?"

Without hesitation he answers. "Yes of course! I'll bring the popcorn."

We talk about some other things, not about what happened between Khan and I thank goodness. He hangs up after his mother yells at he for not washing the clothes.

Three hours later I hear a knock on the door. I open it and grin when I see my goofy best friend.

"Yo, what up my brother?" Jordan tries to act all "hip."

I laugh. "I wouldn't try acting all cool considering how we are about to have a batman marathon."

He walks in and laughs back. "True, I bought popcorn!" He holds up this massive bag of popcorn kernels.

I roll my eyes and grin. "Would it have killed you to get the pre-popped popcorn?"

I head into the kitchen and put the bag in the microwave. Two minutes later I hear the satisfying pop and take the bowl out of the microwave.

Jordan is already sprawled out on the couch as I walk in with the popcorn over my dad and belt out the Lion King theme song.

He bows his head in fake respect and turns on the TV. "That was the most epic cover of the Lion King ever."

We dig into the popcorn and watch the most thrilling movie series in existence.

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