First Date Nerves

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- Cece's POV -

Adam said he had this whole date planned for tonight and I'm really excited but super nervous- and it sucks because Adam is keeping it a surprise and he KNOWS I hate surprises! All he said was to wear sport/casual clothes, no mention of what the hell we are actually going to do.

Anyway my day starts off normally, I wake up at 3 am to train, Adam comes to train at 5:30 am and we have a long session. We go out for lunch at 11:30 and pretty much spend the day together.

It's weird calling Adam my "boyfriend" but I could definitely get used to it.

- Adam's POV -

I can tell that Cece is getting annoyed because I won't tell her what we are doing tonight, I want it to be a surprise even though she hates surprises. All I have said to her was wear sporty/casual clothes and I can tell she's already confused. She looks cute when she's confused though.

I have this whole thing planned out to the minute. So she'll get to my place at 3:30 where we shall watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (her favourite movie) then at 5:30 we will hike up a mountain and at the very top I've set up this whole moonlight picnic arrangement. I don't care if it's only the first date, I really care about her and I want her to have a good time.

- Cece's POV -

After lunch with Adam, I headed back to my apartment to get ready for the date. It seriously took me a solid hour to contemplate on what to wear but I finally decided on wearing my Taylor Swift hoodie and black tight pants because it's freezing outside. I also paired that with black combat boots, I just left my hair down because I wasted a lot of time deciding on what to wear. Make up wise I went for a natural look, light coloured lip gloss and a smokey eyeshadow look (I'm obsessed!!!)

By the time I finished getting ready it was 3:29 so I locked the door and headed over to Adam's apartment.

- Adams POV -

I had just finished getting everything ready when I heard a knock at the door. I open the door and smile when I see Cece standing in the doorway, slightly shivering because it's so bloody cold outside.

"Hey beautiful" I smile and quickly guide her inside, even I was getting really cold.

"Hey handsome" Cece chuckles lightly while I grab some blankets and chuck them on the couch.

Her eyes light up when she sees the Harry Potter DVD, and she instantly hugs me so tight and whispers thank you like a million times. I grin and grab the popcorn, then put like three blankets on top of us.

- Cece's POV -

Adam is the best boyfriend ever, he remembers stuff that I've inky ever told him once. Like the fact that I hate buttered popcorn, or that cotton makes me itchy. He even remembered that I prefer the left side of the couch!

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix gets me so emotional everytime I watch it. Why Sirius?! Why????

It is still so cold outside so I snuggle closer to Adam, he smiles and wraps his arms around me. The movie is still amazing, even though I've seen it billions of times; you can call me obsessed.

After the movie is over, and after we've stopped crying about Sirius, Adam turns off the TV and helps me up.

"Okay so next we are going for a late mountain hike" I'm surprised he actually made this a part of the plan because I know for a fact that he HATES mountain hiking.

Anyway he grabs his jacket while I tie my hair up in a ponytail.

- Adams POV -

The date is going amazingly! The movie was so emotional, why Sirius?!

We are almost halfway up the mountain and I'm actually enjoying this, for once. But that's also probably because I'm with Cece, and everything is better when I'm with her.

After another 30 minutes of walking and making really stupid jokes, we get to the top.

"Wow the view is amazing!" Cece's eyes light up instantly.

"Not as amazing as you are" I wrap my arm around her shoulders, I smile when I realised she actually blushed; I MADE CECE BLUSH WHAT EVEN IS LIFE! Okay maybe I'm being slightly over dramatic but still.

I guide her to the Picnic blanket where the candles and rose petals are all around it. I made all of her favourite food- took 4 bloody hours but it was worth it.

As we were eating, we were trying to see who could do the better Jersey accent and I almost died of laughter, I NEVER want this night to end.

Hey guys! Sorry haven't updated in like months but I've been busy with private stuff, but it's all sorted now so I'll be updating frequently. Sorry if this chapter was really boring, I've been on writers block and had to write this really quick so yeah....

CECELIA AND ADAM ARE FINALLY TOGETHER!!! #teamAdelia *awkward silence* okay that sounded a lot cooler in my head, trust me.

Anyway hope you guys enjoy my book, love you all!
- Alexandra

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