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Cece's POV

Three months.

Three months have passed since the battle with Marco, Tanashi remains adamant in his daily war meetings. He's just preparing us for the worst, "the longer we wait the larger the impact" has become his catch phrase as of late. People are noticeably tired during these meetings, they run like clockwork and suck the joy out of you faster than a pack of dementors.

"And so," Tanashi gestures around the room. "We must stay alert, each day they are becoming increasingly stronger and we must brace ourselves."

He glares at Adam, I sharply nudge him and he wakes up, smiling sheepishly at Tanashi who continues. "You are all dismissed, same time tomorrow. Good day."

We all dismally exit, no one saying a word and allowing the silence to suffocate us all. Adam takes my hand and shoves through the stream of villagers. "Trust Tanashi to brighten up everyone's day, let's head back to my apartment."

I remain silent as we walk towards his home, holding his hand tightly. As we walk in, he pulls me closer and we cuddle on the couch together. I nuzzle my face on his chest as he plays with my hair, his other arm protectively around my waist.

"There's going to be a huge war coming, isn't there?" He asks.

I sigh. "Yeah, it is inevitable at this point, I just hope we will survive. There are no winners and losers in war, we all lose something. But I refuse to lose you, there may be a huge war coming but we can survive and we will survive. Okay?" I look into his eyes and my heart races, he's already staring into mine.

A warm smile appears on his face as he kisses my forehead. "No way am I planning on leaving anywhere, I need you. Always have and I always will."

I smile but before I can continue conversation, my phone rings.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Meet me immediately, its urgent. Come alone." Tanashi crisply instructs before hanging up.

I sigh and sit up, Adam sits up as well. "Who was on the phone? Everything alright?"

I nod. "Tanashi just wants to meet me about planning more of the war meetings, don't worry." I get up and shrug my jacket on.

"Can I come?"

"Given the fact you can't stay awake during them, Tanashi wants to meet me alone." I crack a smile as he grins proudly, before exiting and heading to Tanashi's office.

As I walk through the corridor, I nod in greeting to Kahn, he smiles and resumes working. I take my usual route and knock on the familiar oak door.

"Enter." Tanashi booms.

I walk in and sit across from him. "I called you in because The Renegades have a new powerful force added to their army. Reginald Fleeway is a pharamani."

My whole body froze. A pharamani is basically a teleporter, able to teleport anywhere in a whisp of black smoke. Not the best fighters but are powerful since they can teleport at any moment. You wouldn't want to verse them in a fight.

"And this would mean they can teleport here at any given moment, well at least Viktor and Reginald." I conclude, still reeling from the shock that pharamani's still exist, they were hunted down during the last war.

Tanashi grimly nods. "Which is why in the next attack, we must get ahold of Reginald. Attack his pressure points then he can't teleport."

I nod. "Of course I'll do it."

He smiles sadly. "I knew you would, please just be careful, Cece."

I nod and leave the room, catching Reginald will not be easy.

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