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- Adam's POV-

"So The Renegade is a small group of fighters with some special ability.....like super speed........or agility stuff" I tilted my head, confused.

"Yeah, Renegade literally means 'rebel' they try to assassinate people with special abilities who wish not to be apart of their army...." Her voice cracks and I notice how pale she had suddenly gotten.

"I guess family is a bit of a touchy subject for you as well?" Even though I already know the answer, I ask anyway.

She just nods her head and curls up into a ball. When I notice some tears trickling down her cheek I just pat her shoulder, rather awkwardly.

Why do you have to be so goddamn awkward?! A voice in my head says

Shut up I'm working on it I respond angrily

Oh really? Great work you've done so far it says sarcastically

I sigh, sometimes I hate that irritating voice inside your head.

- Cece's POV-

I try to gain control over the tears flowing down my cheeks. Adam just pats my shoulder reassuringly, he was kind of awkward but I was still touched that he at least cared.

After about 5 minutes of solid crying I finally gain control over the water flow that was staining my cheeks.

"You alright? Talking about it does help cope with it you know" Adam said sympathetically. Yeah, maybe talking will help and it doesn't hurt to try.

"Alright I'll tell you. As I explained earlier The Renegade are a bunch of ass holes that manipulate people. They basically invade a town- demand that all those with special abilities step forward or they'll be killed on the spot. Viktor (the leader) gives you a choice; either you join his army and live or reject his offer and die.............sadly some people actually joined....." I gain control over myself and continue "Viktor decided to invade Komora (my hometown) and he gave my family the option and they chose to die as heroes........."

"So why didn't they......" Adam's voice trailed off, obviously avoiding the word he was going to say

"Why didn't they kill me as well?" I let out a bitter laugh "my special ability is that I'm part Angel; meaning I have the power of charm. When you're part Angel, your talents don't shine through very clearly so they just thought I was some useless little girl" I scoff.

"Well....if it helps you really kicked that guy's ass today. How'd you learn to fight like that?!!!" He asks rather excitedly

I smile "Thanks. The reason I'm that advanced is because a) I do LONG hours at the gym 8 hours minimum, b) I have a strong reason to fight so that keeps me motivated and c) Being part Angel only gives me charm and that doesn't work when you're fighting so I taught myself" I blush a bit mainly because he's staring as if he's just seen a ghost.

"You have GOT to teach me how to fight. I need to learn how to defend myself incase "King Psychopath" comes back for Round 2

I laugh at Adam's nickname for Viktor, it suited him very well indeed. I think over the question.

"What's your story to fight?" I look him straight in the eyes

"My story?" He sounded so confused and he looked so cute when he was confused


"Well yeah. Everyone has a reason to fight. Everyone has a story. So what's yours?"

- Adam's POV-

I think over Cece's question, what is my story?

I sigh "Well my reason to fight is because my mother hates that I'm even alive.........you might think I'm paranoid but I'm not- she TOLD me she despises me........so I guess that's my reason" I mumble towards the end.

Cece looks at me sympathetically then starts thinking about something. I just stare into space as a comfortable silence rose over us. 10 minutes later she finally says

"Adam.......because Viktor came after you and he only targets those with special abilities..........there's a possibility you may have some" she says nervously waiting for my reaction.

At first I thought she was kidding but when I saw how serious she looked I realised it was no joke. It would be cool if I had powers though, may as well try.

"Alright then let's experiment" I grin

She smiles and we walk outside (we didn't need to open the door since it was smashed by King Psychopath) she stands 10 meters away from me.

"Alright Adam.........just take all the emotion and hatred out of you and do whatever feels right I guess" she instructed.

I can do this, just relax and feel the emotion I think to myself.

I remember all the times Mum compared me to Maria and says how much she hates me. I remember the time Maria pushed me down the stairs and said I fell yet mum believed her anyway.

I can't take it anymore I just grit my teeth and use my mind to do whatever. That's when I heard Cece gasp really loudly

I open my eyes; the first thing I notice is how all the chairs are now outside on the grass.

DID I SERIOUSLY JUST DO THAT?!! I think to myself

"Yeah you did" I heard Cece right next to me. Oops must've thought out loud.

"Wait so I have Telekinesis?!!!!"

"Yeah....." Cece sounded so shocked

"Why are you so surprised?" I turn to face her

She sighs than looks me straight in the eyes

"That's because Adam..." She paused
"no one has had the ability to move stuff with their mind in over a century"

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