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- Adam's POV -

I'm sitting on the picnic bench in the Village Square when my phone rings.

Layla's photo pops up on the screen and I smile goofily. "Hey Layla."

"Adam I need to talk to you about something." Her voice sounded so panicky and upset.

"What's up?" I say with a lot more concern in my voice now.

"It's your friend Cece, she's been really rude to me. Just this morning she came up to me and started talking crap and saying that I don't deserve you and that you two will be together and I just-" she can't even finish her sentence without crying.

My whole body tenses. "I'll speak to her now and tell her to back off, no one talks to my girlfriend like that."

"Oh Adam you don't have-" I already hang up as I see Cece up ahead.

I jog to catch up with her. "I'd really appreciate it if you'd stop harassing my girlfriend."

She stops and looks around confused. "Are you talking to me?"

I roll my eyes. "Don't act dumb-"

"I'm not acting."

"She called me in a state of panic saying that you've been talking crap and I'm asking you politely to stop, next time it wouldn't be so nice."

She actually has the audacity to laugh. "You really think I'm that desperate? Even if I did say that, which I didn't, how would you stop me?"

I ball my fists. "Ever since you've returned, I've caught you looking at Layla and I. It all adds up. You're just jealous."

"Get off your high horse, Adam, I was never really interested in you that much to start harassing your girlfriend. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go do something."

I block her path. "Don't walk away from this, I know walking away from things is kind of what you do but I'm not going to let you treat my girlfriend like that."

She sighs exasperatedly. "You don't even know the half of why I left so stop trying to guilt me into this. I have never even spoken to your girlfriend before and don't go accusing me when you don't know both sides of the story."

"I don't need both sides of the story because I trust my girlfriend. Maybe I wouldn't be so mad if you'd bothered to let me know why you left in the first place."

- Cece's POV -

"...Maybe I wouldn't be so mad if you'd bothered to let me know why you left in the first place." I've never seen Adam look this angry.

His fury only heightens mine. "Because it didn't concern you at all. It was my personal issue and I wasn't even sure if it was true or not."

"Oh so you left on an assumption?" He laughs out loud.

Before I can control myself I whack his arm, making him shut up and look really hurt. "It was too much a part of my life to just turn away from it. I would have figured it out too, but I left to come back to this Village."

He rubs his sore arm. "Oh let's all praise Cecelia! Because she came back just in time to save everyone!" His eyes turn even colder.

Overtaken by my burning rage I take a few steps back and lose a majority of control. "FINE! You want to know why I left? Because my supposed dead brother was seen very much alive!"

He freezes entirely. "I-I had no idea-"

I shake my head. "Of course you didn't know, it doesn't really make for a conversation starter now does it?"

Before he can reply I calm down and continue. "Go back to your girlfriend, Adam, and leave me alone. I have no interest in you or Layla."

I push past him and focus on ahead. "Just one question; at the battle I was punching this guy and you looked really confused, why?"

I turn around and avoid his eyes. "Because that wasn't what the Adam I grew quite fond of would've done. You were literally beating up this guy and you had this scary, restless look in your eye. You've changed."

I readjust my bag strap and continue walking back to my apartment, quickly wiping away tears.

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