What Can I Say? I'm Desperate

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- Cece's POV-

I look at the time; 4:00 am. The time is going so slowly I'm gonna scream. Let's just say that having mad chronic insomnia doesn't really make your life enjoyable. It would be more bearable if I wasn't alone with my thoughts all the time.

Also doesn't help that I've been almost living off of coffee; which makes me even more restless. I contemplate whether to get up and head to the gym for an early session or whether to be alone with my thoughts, it's not even much of a decision; I pack my gym bag and sprint out the door.

I practically LIVE at the gym. It's also fun with Adam because now I have someone to practise on, and someone to talk to. I still can't believe that on the first day I met him: I basically told him my whole life story, stuff that I've NEVER told anyone else before. But just one look at him and I felt like I could fully trust him.

Anyway it's been a month since we've started training and although it took him AGES to get the hang of it; I think he's starting to learn and develop his skills faster. Ever since my parents and family died, I never really had anyone else. Well people felt sorry for me but I hate having those 'pity friends' that only hang around you because something awful has happened to you.

But Adam has been there for me ever since that night I saved him from 'King Psychopath.' He's listened to me, comforted me, made me laugh and made me feel normal again.

He's like the brother I never had.

- Adam's POV -

I wake up to the blinding sunlight leaking through my window, I groan and look at the time; 9:30am.

Lucky I'm not meant to be training with Cece today, she always gives me 'recovery days.' And I for one am grateful because my ribs are killing me and I'm pretty much limping everywhere.

After applying some ice on my aching ribs; I lie down on the couch and turn on the TV. About 16 minutes into Spongebob, I get a text from my Aunt Lydia;

Lydia- Hi Adam, just texting to let you know that I will be coming around tomorrow at 2pm to see you and your new girlfriend

CRAP I forgot all about Aunt Lydia!!! She's always so judgemental of me- if my hair is too long, she call me 'Sally', asks how many friends I have, what my friends look like, if I'm single or not.

Conveniently I told Aunt Lydia that I had a girlfriend because last time I told her I was single; she tried to hook me up with this random girl that I didn't even know!

I groan and think if possible excuses for her not to come; I could become really sick, break my leg, get Ebola, move to another town and change my name......

- Cece's POV-

I finish training at around 1:40 pm. I run home to change out of my crop and have a quick shower. Afterwards I put on a blue long sleeved jumpsuit and black and white high top converse and grab my guitar.

I love going to my secret hideout, it's this place in the woods. If you walk straight ahead and through a little clearing in these humongous hedges; than you'll find my hideout. It's quite cozy, with a little pond, really dark green grass and cherry blossom trees.

It's where I write my songs; that's right go ahead and laugh at me but I write songs to let go of all the emotions. That's probably the cheesiest thing I've ever said.

I grab my guitar and strum random chords and continue working on a song that I started a while ago

You said you'll never leave my side
Than left me wandering alone in the night
I can't believe you act so innocent
When I now know you're just insolent

Does it make you feel better to rip me apart
Than leave me bandaging the scars
And I need you more than ever
Cuz your strength was keeping me together

But if you think for one moment that I'll let you back in
Than you really learned nothing

Eventually I end up finishing another 3 songs before I head back to the village. I put my guitar back in my room and walked around looking at the different shops.

- Adam's POV-

I've been looking for Cece for the past hour! I checked the gym and she wasn't there (although I could've sworn that I saw her there this morning) then I checked the shops and all around the village, heck I even knocked on her apartment door and there was no answer.

YES! I can see her in the distance. She looks so beautiful in that jumpsuit, well she is beautiful...

I shake my head of the thought and walk over to her.

She looks up "Oh hey" she smiles

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I look at the ground

"Sure, what's up?"

"Listen my horrible and judgemental Aunt Lydia is coming to visit me and I may have accidentally told her that I had a girlfriend because I didn't want her to judge me or say something really rude so can you please be my fake girlfriend?" I ask all in one breath

She laughs while saying "Why'd you choose me?"

I grin and elbow her playfully

"What can I say? I'm desperate"

A/N The song lyrics that are featured in this chapter are actually my own lyrics so no copyright please

Love my readers

Bookfreak101 xxx

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