I Should've Known

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A/N pic is of Cece's "new hair"

- Cece's POV -

I should've known better than to have honestly believed that ADAM and I actually had something. I was just a stupid and naive teenage girl, who when she let her guard down; someone came and manipulated her feelings.

Over the time though I realised I could either a) do the right thing and talk to Adam or b) keep acting lazy and eat cookie dough while watching SpongeBob on repeat. Sorry Adam but you mean nothing to me compared to cookie dough.

I grab a spoon and a tub of the cold deliciousness and turn on Spongebob

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

"SpongeBob SquarePants!" I shout gleefully at the TV

While singing the whole of the Spongebob theme song without skipping a beat or a lyric, my phone rings

Instantly Adam's face appears on the screen; my first instinct is to decline so I did. Almost three seconds later he tried again, again I ignored.

6 times later I realised I wasn't going to get through a whole episode of SpongeBob so on the 7th try's, I pick up

"Hello?" I say in my most monotone voice

- Adam's POV -

I've tried calling Cece like 54 times each day! And it's only now she decides to pick up

"Hello?" She said flatly

"Cece? Why have you been ignoring all my calls and texts?!" I demand

"I've been.....busy" I knew she was lying because I could hear SpongeBob in the background

I roll my eyes "I only called to see a) why you're avoiding me and that b) Sienna and I are together now! Aren't you happy?" I ask excitedly

There was a long, awkward pause "........yeah I'm happy for you" she clears her throat before adding "Like I said before, I've been busy...anyway I have to go.......um.........feed my goat. Bye!" And just like that, she hung up!

Why was she constantly avoiding me? I don't remember doing anything wrong to her!

Why are girls so confusing?

- Cece's POV-

I slap myself on the forehead at my lame excuse; I had to go feed me goat?! Really?!!!!

Meh at least he got the memo that I'm avoiding him. I sigh and eat more cookie dough while switching to the next episode of SpongeBob.

I absolutely HATE Sienna Montclair, everything about her is so perfect even her name sounds perfect. She's so nice, she helps anyone who is in need and that's why everyone loves her! But to me she seems fake, and annoying because she's too happy. Call me pessimistic but it's true

I know I shouldn't really be mad at ADAM considering how he knew nothing about how I feel.....not even I did but seeing him kiss Sienna really struck something inside of me. But it was wrong to lead me on like that, and also he agreed to Khan's messed up battle plan when he always swore he'd stand by my side no matter what!

I knew I shouldn't have opened up to him, I'm not even sure why I did to be honest. That's why I don't let people go beyond the barriers I build around myself (metaphorically) because in the end it's me who is crying and regretting everything.

I didn't sleep at all that night, between worrying about Adam, Khan and The Renegades it's a wonder I didn't go insane.

You know what?! I need to forget about Adam and Sienna, I made a mistake by believing that Adam and I had something.

But I have a brilliant idea. With the thought in mind I drift into a still uneasy sleep.

- Adam's POV-

I still can not believe that Cece is completely ignoring me still! But I think she's ignoring me because of the whole I-chose-Khan's-plan-instead-of-hers thing. Which is extremely selfish and petty of her.

"Hey Adsy Wadsy" Sienna's arms wrapped around me. The only thing I don't like about Sienna is the nickname she gave me; Adsy Wadsy. But other than that she is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT, she's so nice, beautiful, popular, funny, smart.

I hear a loud snicker from behind me, I turn and see Cece walk past. Sienna looks so hurt, I cuddle her and whisper "Don't listen to judgemental people who have nothing better to do with their time then make others feel bad" I can tell Cece overheard because I saw her stiffen.

I thought she was going to say something rude but she just walked into the Hairdressers.

- Cece's POV-

I sigh as I open the door and walk inside the cosy barber shop.

"We'll be with you in a moment, dear" a kind elderly lady approached me.

I just nod and wait in the chair. After what seemed like 7 years the lady came back.

"What would you like done today?" She grabs out her scissors

I whisper what I came for so no one could over hear what I was going to do......they would DEFINITELY try to stop me if they knew.

1 hour later I sit back and admire the lady's handiwork on my hair. The red, orange and yellow came out really well in my dark hair.

I grimaced at what everyone was going to say. It was my act of rebellion against Khan and his gay battle plan.

Because the colours in my hair right now,

We're often associated with The Renegades.

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