Emotions Fly High

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- Cece's POV -

"We need to talk." His tone is dead serious and he looks kind of angry, it's weird but he looks quite scary.

I open the door wider and let him in. "Let's talk then." I mutter to myself quietly.

We take a seat on the couch and face each other, there's an unusual silence before he clears his throat. "So I heard that you were invited to join an elite fighting crew from another city. Why didn't I hear this from you?" His face looks so hurt, it breaks my heart.

I sigh, I really didn't want to be having this sort of conversation. "I declined straightaway, I didn't think it was important so I didn't tell anyone. They just asked if I was interested and I said I am happy with how my life is right now. No biggie." I shrug.

"Okay, I just wish you'd have told me about this so that I didn't have to hear from Melanie." He sighs and runs a few fingers through his hair.

How the heck does Melanie know? I haven't told anyone else, and this elite fighting crew wouldn't really showcase something like this. To be completely honest, it was hard turning down the offer since I've wanted to be apart of The Cranes all my life. It used to be my goal in life, but I can't leave Adam or the village.

"I'm sorry but I really didn't think it was important, I didn't want to be a part of it nor leave the village so I declined." I shrug it off, downplaying my sadness and continue. "How did Melanie find out? I've told no one."

I notice him check his phone as he simply shrugs. "I don't know, it just came up in our conversation," he stands up and straightens his shirt. "I should get going, I'll talk to you later okay? I love you." He pecks my cheek and lets himself out.

I sit there for a few moments confused, how did Melanie find out? And why did Adam have to suddenly leave? How long has Melanie known this and why didn't she tell either me or Adam earlier? Ah, so many questions are running through my mind.

I thought that by declining the offer straightaway, it would ensure that no one found out or be mad about it. Adam seems quite mad, which makes me even more confused. Why is he so mad? I declined, it's in the past and it happened a while ago.

I grab my keys and my phone and storm outside. I'm not going to let Melanie get away with any of this, I don't know how she found out but she did.

I walk up to her and her little group of conceited, stuck up bitches. "Are we able to talk alone?"

She gives me a weird look and looks to her friends. "Sure, leave us." Her friends walk off.

I get really close to her. "Look I'm only going to say this once, I don't know how you found out about The Cranes asking me to join but I want you to back off."

She raises an eyebrow. "Adam deserves someone who is 100% honest, it's not my fault he's mad; it's yours. If you'd have just told him, he wouldn't have been surprised or angry."

"If you had kept you big mouth shut then he wouldn't have been angry. Stay out of my life, I don't need you messing with my relationship. Stay away from me and stay away from Adam." I snarl and take another step towards her, she takes a step back and looks pretty scared.

Shaking my head, I head over to the gym to destress myself.

- Adam's POV -

"A-Adam can I please talk to you?" Melanie approaches my cafe table in tears.

"Yeah, of course. What's up?" I put down my phone as she sits down.

"Your girlfriend just threatened me before. She told me to back off of you and to stay out of your life. She's mad that I told you about her being asked to join The Cranes and won't stop threatening me." Her hands slightly tremble.

"I'm sorry to hear that Cece did that, I could have a word with her if you want?" Usually if Melanie is lying she would hate for me to tell Cece.

She nods in response. "Then you can see I'm not lying." Before I can answer she walks off back to her friends.

I walk to Cece's apartment and knock on the door, no answer. She's most likely at the gym, I sigh and walk to the gym. Sure enough I see her in the usual Room 21, looking effortlessly beautiful.

"Hey Adam, what's up?" She stops and turns to me, knocking me out of my daydream.

I have no idea how to word this without her getting mad. "Melanie approached me crying and saying something about you threatening her. I'm not blaming you at all I just want to know what you said."

She rolls her eyes and takes off her fighting gloves. "Right, wouldn't want Melanie being upset now would we."

I sigh. "Cece-"

"All I said was for her to stay out of my life and to stop coming between us." Her tone changes to dead serious.

"How is she coming between us?"

"She had no right telling you about The Cranes-"

"The only reason she told me was because you NEVER DID!" I raise my voice and instantly regret it as she flinches slightly.

"The whole invitation from The Cranes happened ages ago, you're only hearing her side of the story with all of this so stop acting like you know what's going on because you have no idea." She rolls her eyes again.

"Oh nice, I have no clue what's going on, real nice. What's happening with you? Lately you've been acting strange."

"Oh I've been acting strange? You're the one who keeps siding with Melanie before hearing my side of the story! It's always about Melanie, never ask how I feel with what's going on." She raises her voice, making my temper rise even faster.

"Fine, I challenge you to a duel." I look her in the eye, she's never accepted one before because she knows I don't really mean it.

She takes a step closer, our lips are centimetres apart. "You don't want to do that."

I hesitate and let confidence take over. "You bet I do."

She laughs and shakes her head. "I don't have time to "duel" you, Adam. I have better ways to spend my time, like looking at walls and cutting grass."

"Don't try the sarcasm on me, Cece."

"Well don't try and duel me, I'm not really one for duelling." She shrugs it off.

"Look all I came to say was to clarify what happened between you and Melanie but judging by your behaviour, I don't need clarification."

"I NEED YOU TO STOP SIDING WITH MELANIE." She throws down her gloves and steps even closer to me.

"AND I NEED A BREAK FROM THIS RELATIONSHIP." I exclaim before even realising what I've said.

Cece just freezes for a second, her eyes look so hurt and confused but they turn ice cold within two seconds. "Fine, take all the time in the world."

She picks up her gloves, grabs her bag and heads out the door, leaving me feeling like an asshole.

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