Moments Like These

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- Cece's POV -

As I walk out of the hall, the first thing I see is Malani hugging her legs on a nearby bench.

I approach the brooding figure cautiously. "Malani?"

She glares at me. "You're not welcome here."

I shrug nonchalantly. "I wasn't asking for permission to sit down." I sit anyway.

She uncurls her legs and stares at the ground. "I just wish there was something I could do to help my family."

I hesitate, I was expecting more fighting. "It sucks, doesn't it? Knowing your family is in potential danger but not being able to do anything about it. We just need to wait for a report from Niorami Village before we decide on a plan."

"But what if we don't get a report because they've been infiltrated?"

"We'll give them two days then we will pay them a little visit to make sure everything is alright."  I give her a small smile.

She nods slowly and returns the small smile. "I'm sorry I yelled at you back there, I was just angry at the Renegades."

"I completely understand, I would've reacted the same way you did if it were my family," I get up and gently pat her shoulder, "don't spend too much time brooding, it's not healthy."

I head home, I really need a workout to just destress myself. As I am walking I see Adam in the far distance, talking and laughing with a large group of admirers around him. He looks busy, I thought to myself and I keep walking.

Once I'm home I quickly get changed into my favourite ocean-blue crop and long leggings. I messily tie up my hair in a ponytail, grab my bag and head out the door again.

I take the back way, I don't really want to walk past Adam and his fan club again. I don't really know what's going on with myself but I just don't want to talk to anyone right now.

I nod my head at Julie when I walk in and head to Room 102. I place my bag on the bench and stretch out my muscles so I don't get injured. Once I'm all stretched I begin working on my side aerial kicks. It's a move that I've just about perfected, as I'm in the air I pretend to hook my legs around a fake opponent and roll on the floor.

Three hours later I decide to take a break, I've done longer hours lately and a break is definitely what I need. Panting, I grab my towel and my phone and head back to my apartment.

As I'm walking through the village again, the first thing I notice is Melanie flirtatiously touching Adam's shoulder and giggling higher than a hyena.

I roll my eyes and shrug it off, I trust Adam but I certainly don't trust Melanie.

- Adam's POV -

"Oh Adam, you're so damn funny." Melanie touches my shoulder and giggles.

I smile and laugh. "It's a true story, my cousin just ran straight down the street wearing my grandmas clothes."

Even though Melanie keeps annoyingly touching my shoulder, she's a pretty cool person. She finds all of my stories funny and even has a lot of her own funny stories. I kind of wish Cece was more laid back like this, with all the stress from this war it really takes a toll on her.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Cece glance at us and keep walking nonchalantly. Oh boy, I think to myself, she doesn't seem to happy about this. Part of me wants to run after her but another part of me wants to stay and keep talking to Melanie.

"I can't believe he would do that though, even though it was a dare." Melanie touches my shoulder again which snaps me out of my daydream.

I laugh and shrug. "He didn't feel ashamed at all," I pause, "look I'm sorry but I should go and check on Cece."

Melanie stops laughing immediately and sounds serious. "Okay, go check on Cece. I saw how she death glared me before though."

She walks off, leaving me confused, I thought Cece only glanced at us? Cece would never be that petty.

I sprint to Cece's apartment, I don't want to waste time. My hand shakily knocks on the wooden door.

As soon as she opens the door I pull her in close and hug her tight, she wraps her arms around my neck and returns the hug.

I wrap my arms around her bare torso and kiss her soft lips briefly, I pull out and rest my forehead against hers. "I don't know what's been going on with you, but if you want to talk you can always come to me. We don't even need to talk, I just won't leave you alone."

She smiles and makes way for me to enter. We sit on the couch and I pull her onto my lap.

"I'm sorry about acting distant, I really am. I don't really know the exact reason but I'm trying to figure it out." She sighs and turns to look at me.

I tilt her head so that she's looking me directly in the eyes and smile at how goddamn beautiful she is. "I'll be right by your side every step of the way, beautiful. I-I-I..." My voice fades as I realise what I was about to say.

She turns around fully and takes my hand. "You what?" She gestures for me to continue.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and absentmindedly tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I...I love you, I know it's really sudden and I understand if you don't feel the same way. I just wanted you to know how I feel, and that no one can come between us.-"

"I feel the same way, Adam." She squeezes my hand.

I rest my forehead against hers and mutter. "I want to hear you say those words."

"I love you, Adam Edward Jensen. I love you with all of my heart, it's a little daunting just how much I love you. I always have, and I always will love you." She laughs lightly at the end, as she realises the cliche song reference.

Without hesitation I crash my lips onto hers, her sweet lips are like a drug to me. Instinctively I pull her closer, her body moulds into mine perfectly as she licks my lips for entrance; which I instantly give. This is by far the most intimate moment we have ever shared, I never want this to end. She combs her fingers through my hair and slows the kiss down, making it more passionate.

She reluctantly pulls out and we catch our breaths, I hug her from behind and we lay together on the couch.

I bury my head in the crook of her neck and wrap my arms protectively around her torso.

We lay like this for a decent two hours.

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