The Invasion

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- Adam's POV-

As well as teaching me how to kick someone's butt, Cece has been really supportive of me trying to master my telekinesis. So far I can only move some medium sized rocks with my mind.....not exactly what I would like to use but I guess it's better than nothing.

Nothing breathtaking has really happened in a while; which is great because The Renegades aren't bothering us. Cece keeps saying that "the longer they're away, the more danger they're planning" when I am actually just happy that 'King Psychopath' hasn't returned.

I guess I spoke too soon because all of a sudden we heard blood curdling screams coming from the village.

- Cece's POV-

I don't even look at Adam, I sprint as fast as I can towards the village. I hear Adam panting behind me, then I hear a familiar voice

"WHERE ARE THEY?!!!!! TELL ME BEFORE I BURN OF ALL YOUR HEADS!!!!" Viktor's hideous voice boomed throughout the Village.

I just nod my head at Adam and mouth "It's time" He sets himself up in his position to my back right.

I leap into action, taking up my fighting stance

Viktor just chuckles under his breath and says "Looks like the slut decided to show up"

I grit my teeth as he aims a side kick to my rib cage, I retaliate and aim a drop kick to the back of his left knee, his main pressure point. He freezes for a second, I aim a back kick at his thigh and end up getting flipped into the cement.

I dodge his crappy kicks and jump back on my feet. He resumes in his stance, but by sizing him up I can already tell that his left shoulder blade is nowhere near as strong as his right shoulder blade, he puts all his force into his punches which leaves him with little recovery time and that his back kicks are just plain terrible.

Using this information, I use his muscle and strength against him and just keep dodging his punches, occasionally doing some back kicks and upper cuts.

"I guess sluttiness runs in your family by looking at the way you fight" he sneered

I freeze up......

- Adam's POV-

I keep looking over at Cece, checking if she's okay. I would go help her except I'm stuck fighting some obnoxious retard.

"That chick Cece looks really hot, I think I'll ask her out" he says as he aims a punch at my stomach

I growl and pin his arm behind his back "Sorry but she's allergic to retards, and besides you're apart of The Renegades"

"Aw does the little crappy and ugly fighter have a crush on Cece?" He says in a high pitched baby voice

Than something inside of me just snaps "I.....DON'T......HAVE.....A......CRUSH.......ON......HER!! I I grit my teeth in between punches, and sure enough he's lying on the cement motionless.

I glance at Cece out of the corner of my eye, she's kicking Viktor's ass right now. But Viktor must've said something really horrible because next thing I knew, Cece was on her back groaning.

I waste no time; I look around and my eyes are drawn to some very large rocks

I focus all my brain power and mind control on crushing that rock and I squint my eyes shut, putting all concentration on cracking that rock and forgetting about the invasion.

Sure enough I hear a CRACK and look to see the once large rock- split into little razor sharp shards.

Looking at Viktor out of the corner of my eye, I once again put all my concentration on those little shards....

- Cece's POV -

I was expecting Viktor to try and drop kick me or something but when my vision finally came into focus; I noticed him hunched over in pain.

I look around and notice Adam standing there grinning broadly, looking like he was doing some happy dance.

I roll my eyes and smile at him; right before I kicked Viktor's ass until he was lying unconscious with blood everywhere. And I would've done A LOT more but these group of 5 guys in their mid twenties lunged at Viktor and grabbed his hand, before disappearing.

"Bloody Teleporters" I curse under my breath

I ran over to Adam and hug him so tightly

"You saved me, I'm so proud of you" I whisper into his ear

He just grins sheepishly.

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