Harsh Words

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- Adam's POV -

My anger is rising by the second, Cece is doing well on her own but I need to be by her side. My anger skyrockets as I see a soldier pull out his sword.

I kick out at one of the soldiers holding me back and punch the other one unconscious. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" I run towards Cece and creepy knife dude.

Cece turns at the last moment and without hesitation I side tackle the creep away, narrowly missing his sword by centimetres. He tries to get up but I smash his back into the rocky terrain. He won't be getting up for awhile.

I rush to Cece's side and she smiles proudly. "Adam, y-you saved m-my life." She says in between breaths.

"Trying to make up for all the times you've saved mine," my arms wrap around her and she winces slightly, "what's wrong?" I demand.

She coughs weakly and lightly points to her ribcage. "I'm fine it's just a small scratch."

I'm about to answer when we're swarmed by the villagers. They clap me on the back and commend Cece for her incredible efforts. The soldiers have run off by the time we look around.

The villagers help Cece and I up and we are immediately whisked away to the war meeting room.

As we're walking in, Cece takes my hand I and I squeeze hers gently. I'm still worried that she isn't as okay as she says she is.

"Quickly sit everyone, we won't be here long at all." Khan instructs, beckoning in the latecomers.

Once we are all seated he takes a deep breath. "I've just had word from the Niorami Village. They've had three of the Renegades armies infiltrate their villages."

We all take this in, Cece jumps up. "Wait so this little attack today was just a diversion?"

Khan nods and Cece looks infuriated; I shyly clear my throat. "Why exactly was it a diversion?"

Khan looks slightly impatient, but Cece turns and smiles sympathetically. "Everytime there's an attack on a village, we report it as soon as possible to the other villages in our region. Niorami Village received our report of our attack, so they weren't ready for when the soldiers infiltrated their village." She explains.

"Which also links back to us, it'll make us seem like we were in on it. This'll also make it even harder for us to ally with them."

- Cece's POV -

The look on Adam's face hurts my heart, I try and sound positive. "It's not impossible, I'm sure something could be done to pour water over these flames."

Khan shakes his head, he apparently has no problem with being negative. "The likelihood of them forgiving us is next to nothing. We'd have more luck fighting Viktor and his army freehand."

The whole room goes eerily silent, I had completely forgot about everyone else in the room. Adam always makes me feel that way, with his sweet brown eyes and cute awkwardness.

Malani stands up. "So Niorami Village is totally destroyed and we're having a stupid meeting? That makes total sense."

I look at Khan, who subtly rolls his eyes; Malani was another constant negative reminder in this Village. "There isn't anything we can do, they've stopped replying to us. This meeting was to make you all aware." I say calmly.

She looks absolutely furious. "My damn family is in Niorami Village and you're telling me that there's absolutely nothing we could do?! We cold do a hell of a lot of things if you'd just get off your lazy ass and actually do something to benefit us."

I'm about to reply before she cuts me off. "You of all people should understand the importance of family but I guess not having one has certainly changed you. Or maybe getting a boyfriend has messed with your diminishing stupidity."

"Not having my family here has made me who I am today and I couldn't be prouder. And having a boyfriend isn't affecting my IQ, honestly I don't really know how it could." I squeeze Adam's shoulder gently, trying to calm him down.

She shoves her chair angrily to the side and runs outside. Murmurs arise at her departure, I block out the negative curse words used to describe me.

"I'll go and talk to her." I mutter and exit.

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