The Final Truth

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Cece's POV

The nurses attend to the unconscious soldiers, as Khan and I meet up with Tanashi in the war meeting room. Adam, Marvin and Simon are allowed to sit in.

"Clearly there are matters needed to be attended to, tell us exactly what happened, Cece." Tanashi instructs.

I nod. "I had just arrived in Falencia Town when I came across the wanted poster of me. I panicked, and came back to the village. I arrived towards the end of the soldiers being beaten, then the whole Marco confrontation. And here we are."

Tanashi looks deep in thought. "So you came back because you panicked?"

I bite my lip. "Mainly yes, I overhead people talking about Marco being nearby. They seemed fairly sure and I had to find out. Looking back now, it sounds stupid." Saying it out loud sounds completely stupid.

"It was just lucky for us that you came when you did." Khan smiles and nods.

"Yeah you kicked his ass, Cece!" Marvin cheers, causing me to laugh slightly.

I clear my throat and stand up. "As much as I would love to reminisce about what happened, I should go and unpack. I'll see you around." I nod at Tanashi and Khan and head back to my apartment.

I certainly didn't think I would be back so soon, but I couldn't turn away from the village. Not without a piece of me missing. I was also tired of having Adam angry at me, it was time I let someone else in.

My body aches with fatigue as I collapse onto the couch. I'm about to close my eyes when I hear soft knocking on my door.

Confusion bubbling inside of me, I open it. "Oh, hey Adam."

"Hi, I was just wondering if you could explain everything." He shuffles awkwardly.

I nod and open the door wider, letting him in. "I'll meet you in the living room. Did you want anything? Food or drink?" He shakes his head and we walk to the living room.

I sit cross legged, he chooses to sit as far away from me as possible on the couch. But I don't blame him.

Once I'm comfortable I sigh and begin. "I know I've changed, there are times when even I don't know who I am anymore. For so long I thought there was something really wrong with my brain or something, how could I not be in control of my own thoughts? That was another reason for leaving. At first I theorised that maybe I had just been in the same place for too long, that was another reason for my leaving. Although it was mainly for my brother of course. But I went away and was still the same, but then I started having moments of random fainting and bizarre images in my mind playing like a movie." I pause, Adam doesn't say anything so I continue.

"When it started becoming more frequent, I panicked. Which did not help my temper and so I constantly lashed out at people, I know I shouldn't have said those things to Melanie and I honestly regret it. I talked to Tanashi about it, and Khan too. We spent hundreds of hours looking through textbooks and other books. Unfortunately I wasn't getting better, I'm pretty sure our break happened sometime shortly after my meetings with Tanashi. That didn't help the anger I had become newly accustomed to, I wasn't used to feeling these emotions so hard or passionate. On the bright side, I'm not going mental. But I don't think you'd believe me if I told you..." my voice trails off.

"Try me." His tone is dead serious, almost making me shiver at how different he sounds.

"I'm part faerie." I look him straight in the eyes.

Adam's POV

"I'm part faerie." She looks directly at me in the eyes, to prove she isn't lying.

Faerie? I had no idea they were real, I thought they only existed in fairytales. Then again, this whole world belongs in a fairytale.

"I didn't know they were real." Those words come out of my mouth before I can even think about it.

She nods. "I thought they were just make believe too, or one of those stories that make kids feel better about a war going on. But we've done the research, the symptoms add up. Khan had me contact the spirit world, they gave me some answers."

She pauses, I thought I saw some sort of misery in her eyes but she quickly covers it up and puts on a poker face, her eyes harden up. "My family died protecting me. The reason why The Renegades infiltrated my hometown was because there were rumours of another faerie being there. They must've known, it all makes sense now. One of their soldiers burst into our living room, heavily weaponed. He grabs my mother by the throat and asks, "where is it?", at the time I had no idea what they were talking about. My dad rushes in and takes me out of the room. I made the stupid mistake of hiding behind the banister and watching. Their screams still haunt my nightmares, after they killed my mom I ran headfirst into one of the soldiers, who aimlessly kicked me to the other side of the room. My dad tried fighting back, but ultimately he knew he had to protect me, he and my mom both lied about being the faeries. Faerie isn't something passed down by gene, The Renegades knew this otherwise I'd be dead. It sucks, before I had convinced myself it wasn't my fault at all. But it was." She picks at a loose thread, her hands are trembling.

I register all of this information. "It still isn't your fault, you didn't choose to be a faerie and you didn't choose for people to sacrifice themselves for you. You were a young kid, and you needed to be protected." I urge, trying to make her understand. I hate seeing her so broken.

She smiles sadly. "Maybe one day I'll believe that, hopefully one day. I think once this revelation for me dies down a little bit, then I'll believe it. I still don't know how to control myself, or how to actually use the new powers. Anyway that's everything I know."

I nod and pat her shoulder comfortingly. "Things will work out, you'll learn more and harness your power. It'll be a huge advantage against Viktor." It takes my whole self control to not kiss her right now.

I pull her into a hug, I'm surprised that she let me in this much. Even when we were together, she'd keep to herself and I respected that.

Before I can comprehend my actions I kiss her forehead.

What the hell, Adam. That stupid voice in my head speaks up.

I know it was wrong, but I couldn't help it, besides I enjoyed it. I retort, then I actually register what I said. Did I really enjoy it? Obviously, since I didn't know what I was doing, I enjoyed it.

She buries her head into my neck and I hug her tighter. It feels really satisfying to just hold her again. I still regret making this break, but at least now I know what's going on.

Her grip starts to loosen and she gently pulls away. "Sorry, it's been a while since I've hugged someone." She laughs, God how I missed that beautiful sound. Do I need to miss it anymore?

"Don't apologise, I enjoyed it." My voice turns soft. Bewildered, she looks into my eyes.

I raise an eyebrow inquisitively and she blushes slightly. "I didn't mean to stare, but it's been ages since I've heard your soft voice, that gentle voice. I don't blame you though, I know I lashed out and made things complicated-"

I interrupt her by crashing my lips onto hers. It's been so long, I don't know what came over me. I just needed her lips, I need her. She kisses back almost instantly, her hands wrapping around my neck as I snake my arms around her waist and pull her closer.

This is not how I thought today was going to go.

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