Guess Who

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A/N pic above is of Layla portrayed by Miranda Cosgrove

- Adam's POV -

Viktor's soldiers stop their fighting and Viktor yells. "You may as well give up now, Khan, before more of your soldiers get injured."

Khan actually hesitated before answering. "We never give up, not when we have a purpose to fight."

"Suit yourself." He makes a gesture and the soldiers resume fighting, harder than before.

I get up from the floor and dust myself off before resuming my battle with a Fire Bender.

Khan quickly glances over at me and yells. "Go help the others, Adam, they need more help."

I nod and sprint back to the main area of battle. Not even ten seconds later I'm already amidst another fight. I deflect this guy's recessive punches and bash my head into his; causing him to fall to the ground.

Looking around again, I can still clearly tell that we are losing. Khan seems to be doing quite well on his own, his machine-like instincts come in handy. If only the other fighters were holding up as well as he is.

Out of nowhere this guy suddenly appears, aiming punch after punch at me. I deflect them all, narrowly missing one and smash my fist into the side of his head; he falls unconscious.

Just as I'm celebrating my mini victory, this soldier from behind trips me up and I'm on the ground again. I roll away from his kicks and cause him to fall by tripping him over. As I'm about to get up I freeze, suddenly noticing just how many injured soldiers we have. I continue looking around again, the Fire Benders have slowly moved more into the Village.

It's useless. We can't possibly win now, even Khan stops and looks around defeatedly. It feels like time is in slow motion as more of our soldiers fall.

Suddenly everyone's attention is diverted to a new fighter in the battle. I do a double take as I realise; it's CECE!

To say that she's an amazing fighter is the world's biggest understatement. She's pretty much a goddess at fighting now.

She advances onto three soldiers at once, avoiding their punches and flips one over onto the rocky ground. Quickly brushing hair out of her eyes, she literally picks up a soldier and launches him into the third guy.

As she's flipping the next guy over, she does her own flip in between and takes down another two soldiers. Those of us who remain conscious return to fighting, a new fiery determination burning inside of us. Cece was defeating soldiers all around, by the time I had taken down three; she is already onto her fifteenth opponent.

As I finished with another soldier, who is lying on the floor with a steady stream of blood around him, I watch as Cece runs up the side of a huge oak tree and launches herself into a perfect backflip, landing behind her opponent. Her opponent looks around stupidly as she kicks the back of his knees and falls down, crouching over in pain.

I rush over to Layla, she's on the ground clutching her side and crying. Right before the soldier is about to finish her I smash into him, rage controlling my actions as I start beating him up. I notice out of the corner of my eye, that Cece is watching me and looking slightly confused. I don't even bother looking at her and help Layla up. She grips onto my arm as if her life depended on it.

"It'll be okay, Layla, you'll be okay."

Her eyes suddenly widen as she tries to call out. I whip around, just in time to see a guy lunging at me with a knife, only centimetres away from my face.

Right before his knife can make contact with my face, he freezes for a moment before collapsing. Cece is standing behind, holding a large rock splattered with his blood.

"I'll be taking that back, thank you." She takes the knife, which was obviously hers and without even looking at me or Layla, she goes back to fighting.

"Stay down." I help Layla to the ground and run back to battle.

There are only five soldiers standing now, Khan and Cece are fighting side by side and they tag team against two other soldiers.

I stop looking at them and start fighting this other guy, who is clearly a Water Bender as he is summoning a water whip move.

I block his attacks, unfortunately I wasn't fast enough to block one of his shards and I crouch over in agony. I rip out the shard from my side and cry out. The guy is about to finish me off, until a pointed boomerang collided with his head. I look up in time to see Cece catch the boomerang and pocket it into her back pocket. The second time in under twenty minutes that she's saved my life.

I remain on the ground, clutching my left side, over my wound. My focus is suddenly changed as I see Khan fall down, an arrow in his shoulder.

Now it's just Cece and the bow and arrow guy left. As well as Viktor but he's only supervising and watching in disgust.

Cece stands up straight, the guy aims his bow and arrow at her forehead. His fingers were holding onto the end of the arrow so tight that his knuckles were whitening.

She looks so calm, considering how in any moment she could be impaled. "You don't want to do this, you know."

The guy spits on the ground. "You don't know what I want."

She twirls her hair slightly and remains steady eye contact. "I know you don't want to impale me with that arrow."

Viktor looks absolutely furious as he screams. "Don't listen to her, fire away!"

The guy's grip tightened and he straightens up, getting ready to launch his arrow when Cece steps forward. "Put down the arrow, you don't want to do this. Walk away now."

It was as if something had switched inside of him as he says in a monotone voice. "I don't want this." He drops the bow and walks back towards the ship as if being controlled by something.

Cece grins triumphantly. "Leave, Viktor, you're powerless without your army."

Viktor is about to retort, but thinks better of it and allows the Teleporters to take him away.

Cece stands there, catching her breath. She kneels down beside Khan, muttering something before taking out the arrow and replacing it with antiseptic and a bandage.

She tries to catch my attention, I turn away and walk back towards Layla, who needs me more.

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