This Took A Sharp Turn

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- Adam's POV -

Layla and I are taking a short break with our relationship, in other words she thinks she is losing feelings for me. I don't really blame her, there was some tension coming between us.

I've had more time to myself lately, I've been using that time to either train or exercise. It's been one whole month since the video from Viktor was sent, everyone is still on high alert since it could be any moment when he comes. We've all been training nonstop in our groups, longer hours every day.

Josh is actually a really skilled trainer, plus he's only two years older than we are so he understands us a lot more.

Also we've been having war meetings twice every day, with status updates and plans for future attacks.

"Welcome everybody!" Khan acknowledges the crowd of people around the table in the War Meeting Room.

A murmur of greetings were muttered in reply and Khan continues. "I'm happy to say that status in the groups have been working wonderfully, everyone is advancing quicker than I expected. However I have some extremely unfortunate news."

Always 'extremely unfortunate' with him, never extremely positive. "The Renegades forces have now gotten bigger. They've managed to manipulate some of our very own soldiers from this Village."

A chorus of disbelief and muttering arose, Lou stands up; anger is seething off him. "Who did they turn?"

"Rebekah, Mitchell, Hanu, Leo and Jean." A lot of experienced fighters, at least my group is still all here.

The only one I really knew was Mitchell, that was only because he was one of Jordan's other friends. Jean was one of Cecelia's closest friends however, good thing she isn't here.

Hanu, Rebekah and Leo were sort of in the background a lot. Hanu was talented with computer and software stuff, Rebekah and Leo were a brother and sister fighting duo. I never ever spoke to them before.

Although it's more of the fact that they joined The Renegades that is the real issue here, how could they just backstab everyone like that?

Pure anger and frustration arose once again as people began shouting insults like, "filthy bastard traitors" and "they'll meet their karma soon enough, only death will find them."

Khan holds his hand for silence, and instantly gets it, I'm still in awe of how he does that. "I know it's really infuriating and traitorous but we must stand as United as ever. Together they cannot defeat us, nothing will defeat us!

"Wait, the traitors knew of our plans! We are going to have to change everything now!" Jin yells.

"We will develop a new plan, no need to worry. We will make this work." Khan tries to reassure everyone.

Unfortunately just as he says that, the warning bell rings throughout the Village.

The Renegades are here.

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