The Attempt

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- Cece's POV -

I groan as my alarm clock starts playing Tik Tok by Kesha.

Wake up in the morning feeling like P-Diddy
Grab my glasses I'm out the door I'm gonna hit this city...

At this point I slam the snooze button, honestly I'm not even sure why I chose that song anymore. That's when I realise what today is- today is the anniversary on when my family were brutally murdered, I should know because I WAS THERE

They died because they all had special abilities. Mum was a healer, Dad was a shape shifter, my older brother Drake was a wizard. It didn't matter what your parents were- it wasn't anything genetic, it was just a power to match your personality.

As for me- I'm an Angel (literally.) I know it's not as epic as shape shifting but I'm also a highly ranked fighter- so yeah I can kick people's ass and still look great while doing it.

The only reason why I wasn't murdered was because they thought I had no special ability, so they left me injured but not dead. There plan majorly backfired though because with my charm I can get people to do whatever I want. Although I only use it for drastic measures. I look at the clock: crap it's already 4:00 am. I'm supposed to be at the gym training right now! I put on whatever I find first and sprint to the gym.

Sorry I forgot to introduce myself- I'm Cecelia Bennett. Oh and a word of advice:

Call me Cecelia and I will personally kill you, just call me Cece.

- Adam's POV -

I awaken by the sound of my irritating alarm clock. I lean over and press some random button on the damn thing


The sound makes me want to pound my head against the wall. After about 5 minutes of the bloody beeping I just rip the cord out and throw it out the window.

There, problem solved. My mum and Dad are out of town with my little, bratty sister Maria. I begged for myself to stay because 1) I hate Maria 2) I hate my strict and cruel and impossible to love mother and 3) I hate Maria.

I make myself some toast and turn on the TV.

Breaking News- There has been another murder down at Parkers Lane in Tabana. All residents near the affected area are required and strongly urged to stay indoors and lock all the doors and windows as the killer is most definitely armed.

Crap I thought that's ONE STREET AWAY FROM HERE! Okay stop being such a wimp and just lock everything up a voice in my head responds. I bolt all around the house locking up everything I see.

By the time I've locked up everything I possibly can I hunt around the house looking for any weapons incase this psychopath decides to pay me a visit.

- Cece's POV -

As soon as I'm finished my 8 hour fight training (I have to maintain a steady gym routine if I want to advance in my skills) I grab a quick bite to eat and grab my backpack and head off to the Komora cemetery where my family was buried.

Every year on this day I buy heaps of flowers and head up to the cemetery where I talk with my family. Call me crazy but it makes me feel like they're still alive, it's the only way I actually cope with everything.

I finally arrive at the cemetery. Komora was my hometown but I just had to leave- everything reminded me of my family. I bike ride through the familiar village until I stop outside the cemetery gates.

"Hey Mum. Hey Dad. Hey Drake." I say while sitting cross legged in front of their tombstones. I chat with them for a solid hour until I notice that it's getting dark.

I reluctantly get up, grab my bike and take one last look at my "family"
As I'm riding back to my house now and out of Komora, I notice the Viktor (The Renegade leader) sprinting somewhere. The Renegade are this elite group of fighters who murder people of my kind- with special abilities. Basically you have one choice: die a hero or join the evil side. That's how my family died- they were heroes and would rather DIE than be associated with evil. That's why I'm proud of them

I curse under my breath and sprint after Viktor.

- Adam's POV -

Wow it's already 6:00 pm and I've done absolutely nothing. But hey on the plus side I haven't been murdered yet, although I don't want to jinx myself or anything.

I hear a knock (well more like a slam) against the door. Thinking it was someone there I open the door only to find the doorstep empty. Stupid Ding Dong Ditchers, kids who play stupid pranks. As soon as I opened the door I heard a slam on the back door as well. There was no one there either. Feeling rather scared I just jump on the couch and hide underneath blankets,

And that's when I heard the first gun shot. It echoed throughout the house, the sound basically bouncing off the walls and ringing through the house. When I finally get the guts to have a look outside I see this middle aged man throw a flash grenade through the broken window that he shot at, then fired random bullets around me. By this stage I was about to literally piss my pants- that's when this girl saved me.

This girl was BEYOND beautiful, she was tanned, tall, skinny and the best fighter I've EVER SEEN! She knew what he was going to do before he knew them himself.

"Piss off unless you want to end up like your slutty mother!!" He literally screamed at her

She didn't answer just went really pale and looked quite scary- yet still beautiful. She just lunges at him and they fight for a while and then she literally went THROUGH the glass door. The man fires the gun at me and the girl just tackles me down.

The bullet missed me by centimetres.
They fought again for like 2 hours, I'm not really sure because halfway through I hid in my room.

The girl came in after about 40 more minutes. She looked so effortlessly beautiful but she looked like she was in so much pain.

"Are you okay?" I ask concerned

"I think it should be me asking if you're okay" she chuckled under her breath.

She pauses then adds

"I'm Cece by the way"

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