Saving the Leaving Day

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Cece's POV

Today was the day. The day I say goodbye to this village, leaving this time feels different. It feels more real. Now that I have hard hitting evidence about my brother, it feels more real.

I wonder if he is alive, why hasn't he reached out? Granted, I would be beyond freaked out but still it's better than thinking he's dead when he isn't.

I finished an early morning training session, training always comes my nerves and right now they're skyrocketing. Saying goodbye to the village, it's so difficult. Yes I've left before, but it was either because I needed space or a faint possibility my brother was alive. Now there's a hard possibility he's alive.

It's not that I thought he was missing or something, I thought he was dead. Surely, he's not alive? Maybe this is just some big hoax, maybe I'm walking directly into a trap.

Or maybe not... there's another end to the spectrum. My brother could be alive, he could have a legitimate reason for not contacting me (I'll let you know when I think of one). 

Holding back my tears, I hug Khan one last time. "I wish you the very best, you've been like a daughter to me and I hope something good comes out of this." He whispers.

I smile weakly. "Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. For everything you've done for me, I wouldn't have become who I am today without you. I'll come back, hopefully soon." I hug him again as it gets even harder to hold back tears.

Khan has always been there, he's helped me with my training, with life advice, strategy advice and just everything in general. He was the constant person who was always there for me. He was the reason that I started believing in myself, he showed me a way to love myself for my flaws. He's been an incredible father figure.

"Goodbye, Cecelia. You've made me so proud." A tear runs down his cheek, setting off my own waterworks.

"Bye, Khan. Thank you for being here. Good luck." I wipe away tears and grab my backpack, walking away from him is the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

My mind decided not to say goodbye to Adam. I had that awkward confrontation in the village, besides we haven't talked that much at all recently and it would just be weird.

Honestly, I am so scared. For once, I have no idea what I'm even doing and I have no idea what to expect. Even if he is somehow alive, what would I say to him?

Would I want to talk to him? I would need his side of the story, maybe I am  overthinking everything. He might not even be alive and this might be one huge wild goose chase forever. Isn't that just a cheerful thought.

I make my way around the village, walking past the familiar picnic tables where I spent a majority of time scribbling lyrics and war strategies. The clearing in the woods is my next stop, where a lot of my training began. I make sure to stop by the gym, the usual smell of sweat infiltrates my lungs.

With one last look at the village, I turn my back and walk away. My tears involuntarily come out of hiding.

Adam's POV

"Apparently, according to Nancy, Cece left this morning. Only saying goodbye to Tanashi. How heartless." I overhear Yama whisper to Jill.

So it is true, Cece really did leave. It's not this is the first time she's left, is she even coming back? I'm not even sure she knows the answer to that.

My body aches from exhaustion as I finish a private workout, it felt nice to focus on something else other than my ex girlfriend.


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