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(Y/N) Pov

Spending my summer with the Malfoy's was the best decision I could have ever made. I got to hang out with Draco, got to know my godparents and visit a lot of places that I had never even dreamed of visiting.

Lucius and Narcissa made it their job to show me everything they knew my mom wanted me to see, they told me stories about my mom while she was at Hogwarts, how she met my dad, it was so much fun to know more about her, don't get me wrong I'm still sad about what happened to my dad and I still replayed the moment that haunted my dreams once in a while, but hearing all this stories about them made me feel better.

Something that made me even more happy about being with the Malfoy's was knowing that I wouldn't have to deal with  Marge, she's Vernon's sister and a bloody menace, she always mocked Harry and I, she would always visit the Dursley's by this time of the year and I had completely forgotten about it but now that I remembered I couldn't be happier to be here, if I had stayed there for the summer and I had to deal with her and her annoying dog, I would probably do something that could get me expelled from Hogwarts.

I was excited for this school year, we would be having our first trip to Hogsmeade and I had Lucius sign my form, since he was my godparent he had the power to give me permission to go on the trip. That was something that I was relieved to know because if I had to ask Vernon to sign my form I wouldn't go to Hogsmeade.

It was time to go back to Hogwarts for another year and in my head I prayed for it to be a peaceful year but deep down I knew that it was practically impossible for that to happen, which makes me wonder what's in store for this year especially since Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban.

This information put Lucius on edge about this school year, he was worried about our safety, he told me the truth about Sirius, unlike the story everyone tells, he wasn't my father's faithful servant, no he was framed by a friend of his, a friend that worked with my father and betrayed Sirius, and he spent twelve years in Azkaban for crimes he didn't commit, he was angry and out for revenge. He knew who my dad was cause he was friends with Lilly and James so he was there when they took me from my mother.

Since he knew that my dad is Voldemort I was a target for his revenge, I seriously hoped that he focused more on escaping the Dementors than going after me, but I should focus on positive things cause nothing would come out of me worrying about bad things ahead of time without even knowing that they were going to happen.

Draco and I were in Platform 9 3/4 saying our goodbyes, Narcissa had a smile on her face while telling us to behave, I had a feeling that was more directed towards me than Draco but I didn't say anything, Lucius kept his stoic expression but that didn't bother us, we knew that was a face he used in public to keep up with his reputation, once we were done saying goodbye I grabbed Draco's hand and dragged him to a empty compartment, knowing that Crabbe and Goyle would find us sonner or later.

The train was ready to leave so I opened the window and waved at Lucius and Narcissa, Draco sending them a small smile, Crabbe and Goyle appeared and sat in the seat in front of ours, they were talking about Sirius and even though I said I wouldn't think about it, I could feel my body tense up and give an involuntary flinch every time they said his name. Draco rubbed his thumb on the back of my hand trying to get me to calm down, leaving a tingling feeling where he touched, he got up and opened Hades cage and gave him to me putting him on my lap, I mindlessly stroked Hades scaled body, it was relaxing and my mind went back to the tingling feeling I felt, it was weird it has been happening for awhile now but I didn't think anything of it but it still spiked my curiosity sometimes.

We were almost at Hogwarts and I was looking out the window paying attention to the rain, Draco was reading a book and Crabbe and Goyle were eating snacks that they bought from the Trolley, when the train suddenly stopped.

(Y/N): We're not there yet so why did we stop?

Draco: I'm not sure but I have a bad feeling about this.

Crabbe and Goyle curled up on their seat terrified, the air around us got colder and depressing, we opened our door to look outside but a shake threw us right on our seat again, the door closing, I was internally freaking out and there's not a lot of things that can scare me aside from spiders.

Draco: Calm down Princess, it's alright. It's probably just a malfunction.

As soon as he said that the lights turned off and the air got even colder, I scooted closer to Draco trying to get some body warmth, Goyle looked out the window and let out a tiny whimper.

Goyle: Guys there's something out there. I think it got onto the train.

The train shook again, I was shivering cause of the cold, you could see our breaths due to the could temperature, the windows froze making me look at Draco. The train shook again but this time a black smoke like figure appeared at the door of our compartment and opened it with a small hand movement, his skeleton like hands grabbed the door.

(Y/N): Dementors

The Dementors in front of us looked at me and came in my direction, Draco tensed up beside me, Hades hissed at the creature but it stayed in front of me, I had read about Dementors before and I had reached myself how to get rid of them, but I wasn't about to use the spell unless the creature presents itself as dangerous to us, so I grabbed my wand and hoped the Dementors would leave, relief flowed through me as the creature turned around to leave, I sighed but when it looked at me again I immediately put my guard up, the Dementor opened his mouth and it was like it was sucking my soul out of my body, I could feel my happiness slipping away, I put my wand up and pointed at him, feeling my eyes wanting to close but resisting against it.

(Y/N): Expecto Patronum.

The Dementor in front of me disappeared and the last thing I heard before I closed my eyes was Draco scream my name.


Word Count: 1173

My Brother's Enemy (Draco Malfoy x Reader) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon