Sneak Peak

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(Y/N) Pov

The next morning was more exciting than usual, seeing the rubbish Rita Skeeter had written about Harry made me laugh really hard, especially with the part that said that his eyes swim with ghosts from the past. A great way to start the day and besides that, no one has bothered me till now, it may be because of the two intimidating-looking snakes that clung onto my body as I walked to my first class. The letter that Lucius owl had dropped earlier was in my pocket, it was probably just him checking up on me and all this madness but I haven't found the time to read it yet.

Hermione appeared out of nowhere and pulled me to the side, very abruptly might I add.

Hermione: Hagrid told me to tell you that he needs you to meet him later at night, it's something about the first task.

(Y/N): Thanks for letting me know, but we need to go now or we are going to be late.

..............Long Timeskip.............

I made my way to Hagrid's hut, seeing him a little further up on the path, he seemed to be talking to someone, not like his usual self-talks so I assumed Harry was also here with his Invisibility cloak, Hagrid seemed different, his hair was combed and he had put on a very nice suit.

Hagrid: (Y/N)! You came!

(Y/N): Of course, you asked me to. Hello to you too Harry.

He took his head from inside the Invisibility cloak and looked at me with wide eyes.

Harry: How did you know I was here too?

I gave him a duh face but he didn't seem to get it so I facepalmed.

(Y/N):  I saw Hagrid talking to someone so I just assumed it was you with your Invisibility Cloak, it wasn't that hard. Anyways, Hagrid you are looking good!

The half-giant man became best red, and stuttered with his words, ah love.

(Y/N): Perhaps for a date with a certain Headmistress?

I jokingly elbowed the man, who finally composed himself and let out a light laugh.

Hagrid: She is something isn't she? Come, we must not be late. (Y/N) maybe you should hide under the cloak too, no?

(Y/N): Don't worry about me, you won't even notice I'm there.

He nodded and went ahead, I could see Harry following him really closely by the footprints on the dirt and the crushed leaves, I stayed behind, hiding in the shadows making sure to not leave any trail of my presence and that I wouldn't lose them out of sight.

Soon enough we got to a well-illuminated clearing, I hid behind the closest tree and took a peak, the sounds I was hearing weren't very friendly and neither was the sight, dragons could be seen being prepped, trained for the first trial.

What is wrong with these people, dragons would be our first task, they want us to die right? That has to be it, who in their right minds thought that this would be a wise choice. Thank God they restricted the rules of the game and that no one less than seventeen years old could participate, I mean except Harry and I, this is going to be a hassle though.

I don't want to have to fight the dragon, despite looking fierce and terrifying it's still such a beautiful creature, besides Draco's name literally means Dragon, and to hurt such a creature would go against everything I believe in.

Beauxbatons Headmistress arrived, also looking her best, I looked away from the couple not wanting to intrude on their lovely moment, ahhh I miss Draco, I wish I was cuddling him right now.

I looked back to the dragons, trying to distract myself from the feelings in my heart, they probably have a different dragon for each of us which means we will probably end up choosing it by luck, which gives poor odds for all of us, I need to let Viktor know so he is at least a bit prepared for what we're going to face.

I put my hands in my pockets, I felt a paper touch my hands, now remembering Lucius' letter, I had a busy day so I completely forgot about it, I sat down on the floor careful to not make any noise that would disturb the lovebirds behind me or alert the dragons of my presence.

Dear (Y/N),

I hope you're doing well, this Triwizard tournament thing sure is a hassle, but I'm sure you'll do great, you have us, your Uncle, Draco, and your friends by your side, willing to help. I'm not completely sure but I think this might be your father's plan but no one can be sure till the end of it, anyway reach out to us if you need help with any of the tasks, Narcissa and I will be going to watch you in every task and make sure our boy doesn't have a nervous breakdown when the time comes. We hope you're well.

Ps: I got an anonymous letter saying that you have allies closer than you think, keep your eyes open and your guard up.

            From your godparents
              Lucius and Narcissa

The part about the allies didn't worry me much seeing as I already have my eyes open, my guard up, and a suspicion of who it is. Their words touched me just like they always do, both of them know what to say when we need it the most, knowing that they have my back in case anything happens is a soothing feeling, I couldn't hope to have a better family than this. The light at the end of the tunnel is composed of their smiles and support, the reason why I am who I am and that I can do what I want without having to worry about being alone. At the end of the day, I can only wish that I'm their hope just like they're mine.


Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Happy Easter everyone. Complete it: I'm your hope, you're my...

Word Count: 1011

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