Peter Pettigrew

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(Y/N) Pov

I made my way back to the Great Hall, a smile on my face, I sat next to Draco who looked at my happy face and pouted.

(Y/N): What's wrong my love?

Draco: Nothing.

I looked at him and saw him glaring at the place the two Weasley brothers stood before I followed them and laughed seeing him roll his eyes and pout again.

(Y/N): You're jealous!

Draco: Me? That's not possible. I'm Draco Malfoy, I don't get jealous.

Hermione/Blaise: You are so jealous!

Hermione: You were so grumpy after she left and kept murmuring about how you didn't want her to have left.

The people around us snickered at him, he looked really mad and like he was about to explode in anger, so I grabbed his hand.

(Y/N): We will be taking our leave now, see you guys in class.

I took him to the courtyard while he grumpily munched on an apple, I sat him down on one of the benches and cupped his face gently.

Draco: Don't worry about this, is ridiculous, to be honest.

(Y/N): Of course, it matters. Listen to me your feelings matter to the world to be okay? You don't have anything to be jealous of, I only love you, but it's okay to feel jealous once in a while.

I put my arms around his neck while his hands rested on my waist, it was a peaceful moment, I played with his hair making him smile, he made me lean down and kissed me, it didn't matter how many times we kissed already it still felt like the first time every time.


I sat on my bed, I was exhausted since it had been a tiring day but I didn't seem to be able to fall asleep, so I divided to take a look at the map that Fred and George gave me, I quickly reached out for the piece of parchment on my side table and tapped it.

(Y/N): I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good.

Ink started appearing, nicknames appeared at the front one of those made me think of Professor Lupin, maybe this was something he created, another theory I'll have to test out later, I quickly glanced at all the names on the paper seeing some unknown, but one name caught my attention "Peter Pettigrew", the name of the man who turned his friends to my father and faked his death making his other friend get sent to Azkaban for twelve years, I quickly got out of my bed and put my slippers on, grabbing my wand and leaving my Common Room the quietest I could.

(Y/N): Lumos!

A flash of light appeared on the top of my wand, lighting up the map and the way so I could see without bumping into anything, the paintings keep complaining about the light but my eyes were only focused on the name that was on the map, I heard a noise and quickly taped the map again.

(Y/N): Mischief Managed.

I still kept the light on my wand, thinking of an excuse for being out of my dorm room this late, nothing came to my mind but I knew that it didn't matter if I turned the light off or not.

Snape: What are doing up this late, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Uncle.

I let out a sigh of relief, it wasn't good that I was caught but it was so much better than it was Uncle Snape than another teacher. He looked at me with his eyebrow raised almost as if he was a parent about to lecture his child and in an accurate way to put it.

Snape: You didn't answer my question (Y/N). You shouldn't be walking around here at this hour, we don't know where Sirius Black is hiding. He could find you and hurt you.

(Y/N): I'm sorry Uncle. I just found something interesting, I can't tell you how I saw it or know it but apparently, Petter Pettigrew is also in the castle.

My Uncle looked confused but didn't say anything, just stared blankly at me, in deep thought, I guess he also didn't know this piece of information, footsteps behind me caught my attention, I looked at Uncle and turned around both of us looking at the person who appeared from the shadows of the night, a familiar face joined us, a gentle worried smile on his face.

Professor Lupin: Goodnight Miss (Y/N), Severus. Is everything alright here?

The gentle Professor had picked up my distaste of him calling me Miss Potter and had started saying my name instead, making me feel much more comfortable.

Snape: Not that it's any of your business Lupin, but everything is fine as if I'd hurt my niece.

He sneered at the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, I knew now about what happened between them during their time as students at Hogwarts, despite hating what his friends had done to my Uncle I knew that if he was my mother's friend then he must have had tried to prevent it and people can change, so even if I didn't know him when he was younger I know him now and he was good towards me.

(Y/N): Goodnight, Professor. I'll be going back to my dorm room now.

Snape: I'll accompany you just in case, (Y/N).

I sighed but I knew he was only worried about my safety and I couldn't get mad at him for that.

(Y/N): Alright.

He glanced at Professor Lupin again and sneered before turning back, his cape flying behind him, I looked at Professor Lupin too.

(Y/N): I'll tell you something since you've been so nice to me, Professor, your friend Peter Pettigrew is in the castle, weird right? Since he's supposed to be dead, but it's from a really reliable source, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, Professor Moony.

His eyes widened when he saw a bit of the blank parchment I had put in the pocket of my robes, I grinned at him and ran after Uncle, who seemed to have patiently waited for me a bit ahead, things are about to get intriguing, judging by his reaction he had guessed something from my tip, now who will be found first, the innocent scapegoat or the actual culprit?



To be honest, I don't really like Peter but hope you guys enjoy another chapter.

Word Count: 1072

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