Goblet of Fire

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(Y/N) Pov

Mr.Crouch approached the front again, it was obvious he was flustered or maybe uncomfortable with Moody, it was quite funny the way he stumbled with his words at first.

Mr.Crouch: After due consideration, the Ministry has concluded that for your safety, no student under the age of seventeen should be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament.

Shouts of displeasure were heard from all of the tables, probably the first time all of the houses agreed on something, I let out a sigh of relief, Draco is going to be bummed for a few days but now I won't see him go through dangerous tasks. The twins were probably the loudest out of all the students complaining, I was glad they also wouldn't be able to participate, it's probably a selfish thought but I don't want to see the people I love getting hurt, I do not doubt that they could win if they would have been chosen but just the mere thought of it makes the anxiety rush through me.

Fred and George: That is rubbish!

Mr.Crouch: This decision is indisputable!

His voice was drowned by the shouts of complaints, I look at Draco, his face was red, he was mad he couldn't participate, he was so excited once Lucius told him the Triwizard Tournament would take place this year.

(Y/N): Hey love, don't be mad. I know that you wanted to participate and there's nothing I could tell you right now that would make you feel better about this but I'm going to be honest, this makes me feel relieved about this.

He sighed, he knew I had a point and he also knew that once the disappointment of not being able to enter the tournament died down, he would think the same, there's a lot of risks involving the tournament and it's not just death, people can get injured for life, and that haunted me. He hugged me and kissed my head, I look up and saw Viktor and Blaise look at us with big smiles.

Viktor: You probably hear this all the time but you are perfect for each other.

(Y/N): Thanks. You'll be entering your name right?

Viktor: Yes, Karkaroff wants all of us to do it, I don't really agree with that but we do what we are told. Besides, it's not like I'm not thrilled about it, just worried about some of my classmates in case they do get chosen.

Blaise: That's quite noble of you. Most people just care about their own fate, wanting to be chosen just to prove themselves better than others.

Draco: Yes, if you do get chosen we know you'll do great.

Viktor looked touched, he looked like he hasn't heard anything like this in a long time.

(Y/N): We'll be sure to cheer for you.

We all smiled at him and focused our attention back on Mr.Crouch, who looked very uneasy facing all the screams about what he had just told everyone. Dumbledore stepped forward, taking charge of the situation.

Dumbledore: Silence!

The chatter died down, and Mr.Crouch looked at ease that Dumbledore had calmed everyone, we can see that the employers of the Ministry of Magic are very unprepared for everything really, Lucius has more stories about them screwing up than actually doing something well, I wouldn't even be surprised if the Ministry refused to believe if father returned in the future, for a bunch of Wizards and Witches they sure are skeptic about things magic can do.

Dumbledore tapped his wand on the tower-like structure near him, and it slowly disappeared almost as if melting but without leaving any traces of it behind, a chalice appeared but the most impressive feature of it was the blue flame emitting, everyone was looking at it fascinated, a blue fire was something amazing really, I had actually looked into it during the summer, it wasn't on purpose but it was captivating nonetheless, it is said Grindelwald used a blue fire spell back in 1927, on the Lestrange Mausoleum not just to test his allies but to also kill some of his enemies, Aurors, and also use it to destroy Paris, that part which failed, I'm not saying what he did was right but that dude had some classy spells.

Dumbledore: The Goblet of Fire. Anyone who wishes to submit themselves to the tournament has to write their name on a piece of parchment and throw it in the flames before this time on Thursday night. Do not do so lightly, if chosen there's no turning back. As from this moment the Triwizard Tournament has begun!

We were sent back to our Houses soon after that, Blaise walked to say goodnight to Hermione, Viktor, and Draco teasing him about that even though Draco does the same to me, Viktor, and the rest of the Durmstrang students went back to their ship to retire for the night too, tomorrow classes would start, upperclassman will be running around to put their names on the goblet, not even giving it a second thought, Fred and George will probably be up to something, but something worried me, I looked back at our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher again, he was looking at Uncle and Karkaroff, more Uncle than the foreign high master, Uncle looked at me almost as if asking why I was still standing there just looking at them, Draco waiting for Blaise to be over and teasing our friends from afar, Moody after seeing my Uncle focus his eyes in another direction, looked too.

I narrowed mine at him, my suspicions growing, he didn't look away or say anything, he just bowed slightly again, it was slightly nerve-wracking not knowing if I'm right about him, everything says I am, but if I'm not I will be in trouble, Draco caught my attention by putting his arm around my shoulder, I look at him since it was a little sudden, not that I minded it, Cedric Diggory, the hassle that we meet on the train was walking with his friends leaving the Great Hall, but not before turning around and giving me a look, I lifted my middle finger at him, I could hear Uncle snickering from behind us masking it as a cough. This year will be so much more trouble than the others, and I'm so not ready for that.


Word Count: 1071

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