Diagon Alley

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(Y/N) Pov

After what happened at the zoo, Harry and I got locked in the cupboard without dinner, another regular thing in this house, the next day we woke up and did all the usual things.

Uncle Vernon: Dudley, get the mail."

I looked at him disgusted at the pieces of bacon flying out of his mouth as he spoke to his son.

Dudley: Ask Harry or (y/n), that's what they're good for after all.

He whined not wanting to get up from his chair. I rolled my eyes at the father/son duo both starting down their foods with no makers whatsoever.

Uncle Vernon: Boy get the mail.

He rudely said to Harry that was waiting for me to finish the bacon, when Harry got back I saw him with two letters, one addressed to me and the other to him but I didn't even get to open mine because Dudley snatched it from both our hands.

Dudley: Dad, Harry, and (y/n) got letters.

Uncle Vernon: Impossible, who would write to you two?

He was laughing almost hysterically but his face turned serious in a matter of seconds as he read the contents, and immediately after that, he ripped the letters to shreds.

And that was a few days ago,  and since then we have been receiving the same letter, Uncle Vernon has the same reaction every time, as if it is the first time all over again but soon he got tired of ripping letters and put a board in the letter hole.


Today is Sunday and Uncle Vernon is in a mood I haven't seen before, he was extremely happy and for a few seconds, I couldn't understand why till I remembered that there was no post on Sunday.

Uncle Vernon: Sunday is the best day of the week, you know why Dudley?

He had a cruel grin on his face, I rolled my eyes thinking of how horrible this family is.

(Y/N): Because there's no post?

Uncle Vernon: You're right, not one single letter, but I didn't ask you, girl.

He repeated the fact that there's no post on Sundays three times before being interrupted by a noise coming from the chimney, once he got close to inspect it letters began to enter, and our house was flooded with them. Harry and I tried to grab one and read it but he grabbed our arms and pulled us, stopping us from grabbing one.

Uncle Vernon: We are moving.

It was already nighttime when we got to a house in the middle of nowhere we were going to spend the night there and I couldn't help but shudder at the dust laying around.

Almost at midnight, Harry drew a birthday cake on the floor, in front of the place he was laying.

Harry: Happy birthday to me.

(Y/N): Like you were the only one to be born today.

I rolled my eyes as he blew the imaginary candles, the silence was broken by the door being kicked open. Uncle Vernon woke up, grabbed the gun, and pointed it at the stranger that was in the doorway, Harry and I immediately jumped up as the stranger got in.

Uncle Vernon: Get out, this is private property.

Stranger: Shut up Dursley, you prick.

He grabbed the barrel of the gun and bent it, and turned to Dudley and me.

Stranger: Well, the last time I saw you you were just babies but you're (y/n) and you're Harry right? You grew big, especially in the belly area.

The man laughed and I heard Harry growl in annoyance before he came out of from shadows he was hiding in and gave the man a judgemental look that to someone that didn't know him would look like curiosity.

Harry: Actually, I'm Harry.

Stranger: Of course you are, here, I made something for you two, I might have sat on it but I'm sure it tastes just the same."

He gave us a box with a birthday cake, the sentences weren't written correctly but I didn't care, it brought a smile to my face, I didn't know the man but knowing he spent time doing something like this for us warmed my heart.

(Y/N): May I ask who you are?

Stranger: My name is Rubeus Hagrid, I'm the keeper of the keys of Hogwarts.

I was confused I never heard of Hogwarts, my confused stare turned into a surprised one as he took his umbrella out of his coat and threw three little fireballs into the fireplace to make the fire bigger.

(Y/N): Excuse me, Hogwarts?

He noticed my confusion and got confused as well, I saw him looking at Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia before he looked at me again.

Hagrid: Yes Hogwarts, where do you think your parents learned it all?

I was getting annoyed because nothing he said was making sense, but he seemed to know us from when we were babies.

Harry: Learned what?

Harry cut me off, looking bored while glaring at the man.

(Y/N): Our parents died when we were only babies in a car accident so we never knew them. We don't know what you are talking about.

Hagrid: Magic (y/n). Wait. A car accident?

He paused, then slowly turned to the couple that was standing a few feet away from us.

Hagrid: You told them that Lilly and James Potter died in a car accident!!

He sounded angry but when he turned to us his eyes displayed caring and softness, so I smiled brightly at him seeing his eyes light up.

Hagrid: I'm here to take you to Hogwarts to study magic.

I was so excited as soon as he said the word magic but Uncle Vernon killed all my excitement, like always.

Uncle Vernon: They're not going, I'm not going to pay for a fool to teach them some magic tricks.

Harry/(Y/N): Wait you knew about this?

I looked at Harry after hearing another voice reply, Uncle Vernon rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue but the answer didn't come from him.

Aunt Petunia: Of course, we knew, my sister was a freak but our mother was so excited to have a witch in the family and as soon as my sister married another freak I knew that you would be one too but then she and that Potter got blown up and we had to take you knowing what you were.

She said that with a scowl on her face and her eyes held such hate but the only thing we paid attention to was the blown-up part because she always told us that they died in a car accident as we said to Hagrid moments earlier.

Hagrid seemed like he remembered something and suddenly got angry.

Hagrid: You will not call Dumbledore a fool in my face.

The next thing I know we were walking out of the house and Dudley had a pig's tail.


It was now morning and we were going to get our school supplies, I recalled what Hagrid told us the night before, about our scars, and who made them, Voldemort, He Who Must Not Be Named or You Know Who, I was still taking everything in that I didn't realize we were going to the back alley of a pub, Hagrid taped on the bricks and the bricks started to disappear and there was now a street filled with kids our age as Hagrid saw our surprise and excitement he said.

Hagrid: Welcome to the Diagon Alley.



So here it is another chapter hope you guys like it ☺️

Word Count: 1282

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