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Hey guys, I'm sorry it took so long to post again, I'm feeling better, not completely 100% but better than I have the last couple of weeks, hope you guys enjoy the chapter. It's a filler chapter just so you guys know I'm back and so you guys have something to read in this story, I'll try my best to make the other better.


(Y/N) Pov

Everyone else looked at us shocked, clearly not having spent a lot of time with Harry to really get the idea of his horrible personality. But Dumbledore quickly got up to take the conversation elsewhere.

(Y/N): Well, I'm leaving.

Dumbledore: You are not, Miss Riddle. I want to talk to you when I get back.

(Y/N): Like hell, I'm going to wait for you guys to be done with your conversation, I'm leaving and you can't force me to stay.

Dumbledore looked like he could strangle me but I turned around to leave the room, I wasn't about to stay here waiting for him to come back and listen to Harry's bullsh*t, now that I think about it my opinion on Dumbledore changed completely over the years.

Dumbledore: Miss Riddle! Don't you dare leave!

I slowly turned around and looked him right in the eyes.

(Y/N): How are you going to keep me from leaving? Are you going to try to hit me again?

Dumbledore's eyes widened clearly not thinking that I would say that in front of the Minister of Magic, especially not after the threat Lucius gave him in order to make him leave me alone. The Minister looked at me dumbfounded, shock in his eyes before slowly turning to Dumbledore, my statement still being processed.

Minister: What is she talking about, Albus?

Dumbledore: Nothing. She is just spewing nonsense.

I smirked at him, I looked at Uncle, he was enraged, not at me but the look in his eyes caused me to shiver, he knew of Dumbledore putting his hands on me, he had been there but I'm guessing he is still holding an immense amount forage cause of it, Professor Moody also held rage in his eyes, the tension in the room was thick, I turned back around and continued my previous way, I had made my point, I could hear the Minister angrily talking to Dumbledore, clearly not having believed the man's justification to my words, I must say, creating chaos is so pleasant when the person actually deserves it.

Draco found me on the way to the Common Room, and he knew I had done something but the mischievous smirk on my face.

Draco: What did you do, my love?

(Y/N): Whatever do you mean, love?

Draco: I know you well enough my love.

I smiled, that's true, he knew me better than everyone else around me, even before we began our relationship, we could always tell what the other one was up to, and it was exhilarating to know that we were an open book to one another, to know that we didn't have to vocalize that we were feeling down because one look was all it took.

(Y/N): Well, Dumbledore called me to his office, where I found Harry eavesdropping, we had a fight which I won, Dumbledore was talking to the Minister and told me that I was to wait for his return, I said I wouldn't and turned to leave. Cause let's be honest, he would just try to somehow connect Mr. Crouch's murder to me, making absurd accusations, and if I had to stay with Harry in a room for God knows how long I would end up ripping his throat out.

Draco: Very true, but no one blames you for that. That boy is absurdly irritating, obnoxiously thinking he's above everyone one else and that he can treat others wrong. He's worse than all pure-blood supremacy families put together. So I'm guessing you left?

(Y/N): I was which made Dumbledore want to kill me, he yelled my name so I turned back and he was like, you are going to stay here and wait for me, so I asked if he was going to try and hit me again to accomplish that, his face was almost hilarious if I wasn't being serious.

Draco: You said that? In front of the Minister? Bloody hell, love, that must have been a disaster. I can only imagine Dumbledore's face. But didn't father threaten him with telling the Ministry of Magic what he did if he didn't leave us alone? What happens now?

(Y/N): I had thought about it after I said it but it will be fine. While Lucius did mention to tell what happened to the Ministry, the real threat was the mention of the Sacred Families. Their power and connections surpass the Minister's, what made Dumbledore comply was the fact that they could do what they did back in our second year but permanently this time. They can make him resign in a blink of an eye. So if the Minister knows or not doesn't matter cause that wasn't the part of the threat that made Dumbledore pay attention, and we all know that the Miniter won't dare go against Dumbledore, for now at least, Dumbledore has connections in the Ministry that will follow his every word and the Minister fears that. Dumbledore fears the power the Sacred Families hold but couldn't give a damn about the Minister cause he has a lot of hold in the Ministry more than Cornelius Fudge ever could. And Fudge is just waiting for the right opportunity to sway Dumbledore's allies.

We both just looked at each other and sighed, this was all just a power war, The Sacred Families at the top, Dumbledore and then the Minister, our headmaster likes to play coy as if he doesn't have any power but that's not the truth at all, so the Minister would fail badly if he tried to get him demoted from his position in this school, the Sacred Families did lose a lot of power due to most families being discontinued or excluded from the list, and while the remaining have different views on blood status or who they follow, they tend to come to an agreement when a good reason is shown, so if Lucius presented his reason to want Dumbledore demoted they would do it without a second thought cause just like Lucius said how could they let a headmaster that raises his hand against one of his students teach their sons, and daughters.

It makes me wonder, if war truly broke out, which would crumble first?


Word Count: 1049

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