Safely Return

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(A/N: Hey guys, I almost had a heart attack just now, I was finishing up this chapter when my Wattpad glitched, I was able to save the chapter before leaving the app, but once I entered the app the chapter was gone, I wanted to cry so bad once I saw that, thankfully I went to the web version and I was able to find the chapter and once I logged out and in of the app the chapter appeared again, seriously I felt like balling my eyes out.)

(Y/N) Pov

I smiled at Father and gave a quick wave to the two familiar faces behind him.

Father: Sorry, I got a little delayed.

Despite being immensely grateful for Father's appearance I couldn't help but also be concerned about it, since revealing his return wasn't on the plan, not this soon at least.

Lucius: Don't worry too much about it, darling. Not many people know what he looks like, besides we will deal with them in no time.

I opened my mouth to express my concern but spells were already being cast from every side. Lucius grabbed my hand, pulling me next to Father before going to get Draco and the others.

Father: What were you thinking coming here alone? It's a good thing Severus sent his Patrono to warn us.

(Y/N): But...

He gave me a stern look, completely shutting down whatever I was trying to say.

Father: I want you to grab Draco and the others and get out of here.

Father took his attention from me only to cast a powerful Protego against the spells coming our way, and with a flick of his wand the casters were once again thrown away, this time they got tired together.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Bellatrix recovering from the surprise, since she wasn't expecting Father to appear much less with Sirius and Professor Lupin.

Bellatrix: Black!

That was the only word that came out of her mouth before she disappeared in her black smoke form, fighting and evading someone in their white form.

I looked around for my friends, seeing them all huddled up together behind a big stone, trying not to get in the way. While Draco was behind Lucius and Uncle as they defeated anyone who approached them.

I saw the person Bellatrix was fighting fall from the air, so I followed her with my eyes since she was the most concerning of them all, Father noticed my distraction and his eyes followed my line of sight.

She halted on a boulder, transforming back, her wand raised with her eyes glued on Sirius who was none the wiser.
She opened her mouth and I gripped my wand, already knowing what was coming.

Bellatrix: Avada Kedrava!

Father/(Y/N): Protego!

Her spell hit our shield instead of Sirius who was now looking at us to astounded, Bellatrix huffed clearly displeased about having failed.

(Y/N): Bombarda!

She was so caught up in her failure that she didn't even notice my spell before it hit her right in the chest, sending her back.

Sirius now out of danger looked at us and gave us a relieved and grateful nod, before sighing and hugging his friend. I looked around the room, taking notice that almost all the fake Death Eaters were on the floor, Father raised his wand and tired them all together making it impossible for them to escape, their wands now in Lucius' hands.

Uncle: I hear footsteps, we should all leave before they arrive. Dumbledore is probably on his way here as well. The fact that we managed to finish this up before anyone from the Ministry came to check up on the noises is quite a feat.

Lucius: Yes, let's go while we have the time. We don't want any of them to see you, Tom. It wouldn't be good for our plan.

Father: Yes. Come on, children.

I held his hand, and we were out of there in the blink of an eye, my stomach feeling all twisted, still not quite used to Apparitation. After taking a breath, I looked around seeing that we were at Malfoy Manor.

Father: What the hell were you thinking? Do you understand what could have happened if we didn't show up? I could have lost you, thank Merlin for Severus having sent his Patrono.

(Y/N): I apologize, Father, I knew that them showing up was a possibility, more than a possibility but I couldn't let Harry get to the prophecy, I couldn't let him give it to Dumbledore. I'll admit that I didn't quite think ahead.

Father sighed and passed a hand through his hair before giving me a tight hug.

Father: So much like your mother, I swear one of these days I will get a heart attack. We shall work more on your attacks when break starts, there's so much for you to learn, my dear. I shall not leave you to be defenseless against that monster, I will teach you everything I know, and hopefully, he will want to keep his act for a little while longer.

I heard the others arrive, and once my eyes locked on Draco's stormy grey ones I could feel a weight lift from my shoulders, I could finally breathe at ease again.

The anxiety and fear I felt once I saw him in Bellatrix's hold were now gone, the way her wand was held against his neck made my heart feel like it was crumbling down.

I left Father's arms and rushed to Draco's, almost taking us down due to the force of the momentum, my arms tightly secured around his neck.

Draco: I'm okay, my love.

I nod, not sure if I could get a word out without it being shaky or stuttered. He stroked my head while kissing my forehead.

Only parting as a fake cough was heard from behind us, Sirius stood there, an embarrassed expression hidden beneath the layers of his face but very clear to me.

Sirius: Thank you. If you and your Father hadn't cast Protego, I would've been dead by now. I also want to apologize, I have been a conceited arsehole ever since you both met me, you were only trying to tell me the truth but I was so stuck on what I was taught years on end that I didn't even want to listen. Not even to someone who's my family, but after ages of not wanting anything to do with the name Black even that becomes hard.

Draco: It's quite alright, actually Mother told me a lot about you, so to be honest it was something we expected from you.

(Y/N): You may not know this but your family was one of Dumbledore's followers, while publicly they were a part of the so-called Death Eaters that terrorized people, which is one of the reasons they couldn't express their content when your brother Regulus joined my Father, because to everyone's knowledge they also worked for him.

Sirius expression told me he hadn't thought of that, probably too busy thinking about how to help Professor Lupin to even think about what the truth meant for his family. I hugged everyone, relieved that everyone was safe before handing the prophecy to Father.

We didn't have much time, so we briefed Father on everything that had happened and took the Floo Network to Hogwarts.

It wasn't long before the news had already spread and was plastered in the newspapers, the mysterious appearance of the recently escaped prisoners in the Ministry, tied up and ready to be taken to Azkaban once more.

Umbridge's suspension, due to multiple pieces of evidence of abuse of power had been sent anonymously to everyone in the Ministry. Before we knew it everything had worked out and we were all packed and ready to go home.

Whispers had let me know that Harry visited Dumbledore's office before the end-of-the-year feast, something that clearly didn't go well because Harry was sulking through it all, and the way Dumbledore's hand clenched on his wand every time his gaze met mine was enough proof of that.

And by Professor McGonagall's worried stare on me, I wasn't the only one who noticed it. Now hand in hand with Draco as we made our way to the train, I could only thank Merlin for our safe return to Hogwarts and for the fact that everything went according to plan.

Now it's time to prepare and make our move, Dumbledore has been pushing us against the wall in hopes of getting to know what we were up to but now it's our time to attack and we don't plan on letting him get away again.


Word Count: 1372

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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