Talking With Hagrid

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(Y/N) Pov

Next Morning

Draco and I were in the courtyard talking about our final exams but my mind keeps going back to that couple I saw in the Mirror of Erised, not to mention that every time Draco was really close to me or grabbed my hand I would blush bright red so things were quite embarrassing right now.

"Hey (Y/N) is everything alright with you, you're acting weird?"

Draco said and my mind rushed to find a good excuse for the way I've been acting.

"I'm sorry Draco, I'm just not sleeping very well after everything that happened in the Forbidden Forest."

After I said I realized that the excuse I gave him wasn't exactly a lie because ever since that happened I would lie awake in bed thinking of the letters and the name Riddle, I've tried looking into that name and I couldn't find a thing.

I felt Draco grab my hand in some sort of comfort but that simple gesture made me blush remembering what I saw but I  shake it off and enjoy it.

When we were near Hagrid's hut, Harry appeared out of nowhere and dragged me along, leaving Draco looking at Harry like he was mad so I sent him a tiny apologetic smile.

Harry: "Isn't it odd that what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon and a stranger just happens to have one? How many people wander around with dragon eggs? Why didn't I see it before? "

/(A/N) - Hey guys, so I'm going to start doing this (Harry:") when they talk because it's easier than being like ("he said this and she said")) /.

Now that I think about it that actually makes sense because dragon eggs are somewhat rare.

We ran to Hagrid's hut and he was sitting on the stairs playing the flute.

Harry: " Who gave you the egg? What did he look like?"

Hagrid: " I never saw his face. He kept his hood up."

(Y/N) : "You and this stranger must have talked."

Hagrid: " He wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after. I said" After Fluffy, a dragon's egg gonna be no problem. ""

Harry : "Was he interested in Fluffy?"

Hagrid : " Of course he was interested. How often do you come across a three-headed dog? But I told him" The trick with any beast is to know how to calm him. Take Fluffy, for example. Play him music and he falls straight to sleep. I shouldn't have told you that. "

We all looked at each other and ran towards the castle.

Hagrid : " Where are you going? "

When we got to the castle we continued running to Professor McGonagall's classroom.

Once we were there we went straight to her desk.

Harry: " We need to speak with Professor Dumbledore"

McGonagall : " I'm afraid Professor Dumbledore is not here. He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and left."

In the second after she said those words I could feel everything in my body stop.

(Y/N) : " He's gone?"

Harry: "But this is important! This is about the Philosopher's Stone!"

When Harry finished talking I could see McGonagall's eyes widening in surprise.

McGonagall : "How do you..."

(Y/N) : " Someone's going to try and steal it."

McGonagall : "I don't know how you four found out about the Stone but I can assure you it is well protected. Now would you go back to your dormitories? Quietly."

We all left her classroom with disappointment clearly on our faces but a part of me already knew that this was going to happen.


Draco's Pov

(Y/N) is spending a lot of time with Potter and his friends and when she comes back to our Common Room she won't tell me what they have been doing.

I don't even understand why she's spending time with them, I mean Saint Potter talked a lot of crap about her being a Slytherin and that she's evil now and she was really upset about it because he was her twin brother and he couldn't understand that she wouldn't change.

I wanna tell her how I feel about it but I'm afraid she'll get mad at me and I can't take that because she's the first person to see some good in me and it's not like I can talk about this with someone else cause I have to keep my reputation of a proud pureblood.

So I'm just going to wait until she realizes that her brother is a bloody idiot.


(Y/N) Pov

We were in the hallway when Harry turned around making us stop.

Harry : "It was no stranger Hagrid met. It was Snape."

I glared at him, seriously what kind of obsession does he have with the man.

Harry : "Wich means he knows how to get past Fluffy."

Hermione : "And with Dumbledore gone..."

Snape: "Good afternoon."

(Y/N) : "Good afternoon, Professor Snape."

I said to him with a smile  while the others looked paralyzed.

Snape: "What would you three young Gryffindors and a Slytherin be doing inside on a day like this?"

Hermione: "uh... We were just..."

Snape: "You ought to be careful. People will think you're up to something."

Snape and Harry were staring at each other and Harry couldn't keep the hate he felt for the man in front of him away from his eyes so I decided to intervene.

(Y/N) : "It's nothing like that Professor, we were just talking."

He looked at me and nodded his head, I could see the corners of his mouth lift upwards, just at little, then he continued walking.



Hey guys I'm sorry for not updating, I'll try to do it more often.

Word Count : 929

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